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  1. E

    Interrogative sentences in ASL?

    Um, I'm not the guy in the video o.O It was just an example. The point of this topic was about how to make a sentence interrogative. Sorry for any confusion.
  2. E

    Interrogative sentences in ASL?

    Okay, I understand the different nonmanual markers for yes/no & questions that require a detailed answer, but it seems I have trouble practicing such expressions without overdoing them and looking silly. When I go to raise my eyebrows 'slightly', it seems I always raise them too much and look...
  3. E

    Interested in learning ASL.

    I think she means the girl in the video? No, she's fully hearing.
  4. E

    Anyone from Oklahoma?

    Thank you, both :)
  5. E

    Anyone from Oklahoma?

    I live in Muskogee.
  6. E

    Anyone from Oklahoma?

    I'm in need of a friend to practice ASL with, 'cause let's face it; the Internet can't teach you EVERYTHING. :)
  7. E

    Interested in learning ASL.

    I understand that they are not the same thing, but both do commonly use a form of sign language to communicate. Thanks a lot for the links and advice!
  8. E

    Interested in learning ASL.

    Hey y'all! I'm an American teenager from Oklahoma, and 100% hearing. I know no one who is Deaf, but would really like to learn sign language (American, specifically), mainly because it's so interesting, but also because should I ever meet a Deaf/mute person, I'd like to make them feel less...