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  1. L

    Interpreter in the works

    I recently joined myself and I really love it! I too take ASL classes and plan to get into the Interpreter Training Program. I'll tell you what I tell myself - Don't get discouraged!
  2. L

    Interpreter want to be

    EKU isn't closing their program that is located at EKU. EKU had an ITP set up at UofL and that is closing. They will continue to have their original program at EKU. EKU only accepts students every 2 years and UofL accepted new students every year. And of course there are more Deaf people in...
  3. L

    Interpreter want to be

    No, the program is based in Eatern Kentucky University. They have a satellite program that is at Univertiy of Louisville until May, then it closes.
  4. L

    Interpreter want to be

    I was told about a test that we have here that I can take to see where I am, however, I know where I am - I suck! No, actually I am only on level 4 in ASL - so hey what can you expect? I have some ways to go. I'm going to give myself a year before I take the assestment test to see where I am...
  5. L

    Interpreter want to be

    Thanks for the advice. I attended Deaf Feastival 08. I was impressed! I actually worked in a booth that the ASL and ITP students had from UofL. We were getting the word out that the program was closing and we were asking people to sign up on our list if they were interested in taking Sign...
  6. L

    Interpreter want to be

    Hello, I am currently taking ASL classes and the school that I attend is closing the ITP. Hopefully we will be able to save the program, but if not, I plan to do all I can do myself to become a qualified Interpreter. I do attend many Deaf events and I do enjoy every bit of it. However...
  7. L

    Excited New Member

    Hello, I am new to your site. I am currently a student of ASL and trying to be a student in the Interpreter Training Program. My step-daughter is deaf and that it how I first got exposed to the language and later involved in classes and the Deaf Community. I look forward to interacting...
  8. L

    Hi from Kentuky

    I'm from Ky too Hello, This is my first time on the site also. I am currently attending ASL classes at UofL and am on a committee that is trying to get UofL to open a new Interpreting Traning Program (ITP) and keep the present ASL classes going. Wish us luck!