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  1. S

    Is he Insecure??

    You can still be rejected by someone you wanted, regardless of the fact that you've ever had them in that way! I wanted more, he didnt! I was rejected!
  2. S

    Is he Insecure??

    Chase - Theres pictures of me on my profile! I dont think i'm ugly! Jillio - I never did think I had him in that way! I know I was rejected, I was merely confused by the reason for his rejection, perhaps thinking it was because he was insecure! I do feel like i was mislead.. you date a...
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    Is he Insecure??

    Hey... just to update you all on my situation! He told someone I know without realising they knew me that apparently he thought i was ugly! Bit harsh i'd say... but each to their own i suppose!
  4. S

    Are Deaf People (from birth) Disabled?

    My deaf friend says he knows hes disabled, but he doesnt feel like he is! Thats his take on it! I dont think of deaf people as being "disabled" but more as "differently abled". Thats my take on it!
  5. S

    Is he Insecure??

    Lol... i was confused! Hence the reason for this post! He still texts me continiously (like today hes started 6 diff text conversations.. all of which i just stop replying to after a few texts and then he'l start another text conversation lol)! They're not "get to know me" texts really...
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    pics of you - Part II

    Me is in the Middle!
  7. S

    Is he Insecure??

    Hey Guys, I posted here a lil while ago about a guy that I met recently. I am hearing and he is deaf and we dated a couple of times! Now hes said he wants to stay friends :hmm: I dont get it.. we got on really well... we would text each other several times a day (nearly all of which...
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    Hey Im a Newbie!!

    Hey Everyone... I only joined this site yesterday, but have been browsing it for about a week now and already feel like I cant keep off it lol :lol: Anyway about me... My names sharan, im 28 years old, from London UK. I am hearing but have recently had my first encounter with a deaf guy that...
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    Communication Worries...

    Hey just wanted to say thanks to everyone that replied.... i think im going to suggest we both learn to sign together! At least then we can communicate effectively in public! Until then... pen and paper it is i guess! Thanks all x
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    Communication Worries...

    Nope he doesn't sign at all! I was suprised too... when i asked him he said it was too difficult to learn. He is oral but doesnt speak in complete sentences so i was only picking up words here and there. In public, he refused to be oral at all... he would mime his words. I told him he had...
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    what kind of cologne/perfume are you wearing?

    D&G Light Blue and also Chance by Chanel is one of my faves!
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    Communication Worries...

    Unfortunately.. he doesn't use sign! I would gladly have been willing to learn otherwise!
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    where are you from?!

    Im from UK London lol... am i the only one???
  14. S

    Communication Worries...

    Hey Guys.. I'm Hearing and new to this site! I have recently had my first encounter with a deaf person. I met him online.. we chatted via IM for a couple of months before deciding to meet up! I've met him now.... and i think he's the best thing since sliced bread :P I did lots of reading...