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  1. firegirl

    Apple iPhone Announced

    I am a longtime Mac user anyway and I can't wait to trade my Treo 650 for the iphone, as long as the keyboard is good on it.
  2. firegirl

    Fingerspelling...which hand?

    I write left handed but I fingerspell with my right. I also use different hands for different things. In softball I bat left and throw right. Soccer I kick with my right. I switch hands often when eating. I don't think my brain ever decided which side was dominant. lol
  3. firegirl

    Newbie here from Rochester...

    I'm not far from Rochester NY. I'm right near Ithaca. Welcome.
  4. firegirl

    deaf teacher in mainstream education

    There is a teacher at my kids school who is very hoh. Three of my kids have had her and I've never heard of any problems. She reads lips mostly but I know she can hear well enough out of one ear to tell if the fire alarm is going off. The kids tell me it's an incredibly loud bell. I think they...
  5. firegirl

    Work work work work work

    Don't give up on that. My hubby is a firefighter and I used to be one too. There are still two firefighters that work for the dept here who wear hearing aids. I think it depends on if you are able to hear well enough with aids to use the radios.
  6. firegirl

    Question regarding hearing o.o

    I am the same way. I have one ear I can barely hear anything in. The other has only a mind loss. A few weeks ago I tried two hearing aids and the difference was just amazing. I can't believe what I was missing.
  7. firegirl


    Don't forget about the night it was stored in my hubby's sweatshirt pocket after you threw it across my yard because it fell off while we were jumping on the trampolene and I landed on it. :beer: Those damn things are pretty tuff!