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  1. D

    Attn: Mod/Admin

    To paraphase Hank Hill: "Just when I think y'all have said the stupidest thing ever, you just keep talking!"
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    Attn: Mod/Admin

    I'm going to expalin this ONCE more, since some folks seem to be mentally deficient! Jeez - I've tried to be nice, but I'm tired of this! You weren't banned because you "post something to prove Admin. that it's him who violated his own Rules". You were banned because you're too...
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    ADA violations-Home Depot

    Maybe that's because under 'Interests' you wrote a three-page rant about 'audists'? :deal:
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    Our Deaf history in Massachusetts

    Fact ~v~ Fiction 1 'Silence Dogood' was a (female) creation of Benjamin Franklin. The 'Silence Dogood Letters' were published in 1722 - eight years before the author alleges her GrandFather was born. 2 It was 1817 before there were deaf people on Martha's Vineyard - and there were only two...
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    Forgive and Forget about the Past?

    d-Deafinitions: 'Look At It From Both sides' = 'See It My Way Or Shut Up' 'Agree to Disagree' = 'Agree with Me or Shut Up'
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    Forgive and Forget about the Past?

    Actually . . . Actually, SweetMind - Folks like you don't need folks like me to 'push you down'. You seem to be doing a perfectly wonderful job of holding yourself back!
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    I have a question and would like some feedbacks

    Jazzy- I believe it's more important for a forum owner to be fair than nice. Since I'm just a member here, let me please apologize if I ever offended you - I never meant to offend you or anyone else!
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    I have a question and would like some feedbacks

    Could it be? I suspect that I am the person Cheri is directing her post at - she's said virtually the same thing directly to me. In my defense, I do my best to allow free expression of any view, no matter how bizzarre, stupid, or morally enraging, so long as it's not a threat or verbal...