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  1. kiras_mommy

    Legally Separated

    me and my husband were living with my parents and i was brought up not to be a slob and to pick up after myself once i was done. my husband apparently one day took the sponge that we washed the dishes with, used it on the floor and then put it back and did all of this right in front of my...
  2. kiras_mommy

    Legally Separated

    Well me and my husband were married in january of this year. my daughter is due to be here in november and ive already had him served with spousal support papers for us to go to court on aug 20th. if he doesnt show he will be found in contempt of court and will be put in jail. i just saw my...
  3. kiras_mommy

    Welcome my big belly...... *Picture*

    I am at my 5 month mark, i am due on november 15th and i am having a little girl. i am definitely showing, but only because i was a little bit smaller when i found out i was pregnant. but congrats to you on your little bundle of joy. :cheers:
  4. kiras_mommy

    Legally Separated

    thank you so much. ive been going through a rough time, ive had my parents to help and the rest of my extended family on my side, and my brother and his wife. its sad that when my dad was asked for my hand in marriage he made my soon to be ex husband promise that he would take care of me due to...
  5. kiras_mommy

    Legally Separated

    i am currently 5 months pregnant, my husband left me june 22nd, withdrew $550 dollars out of our joint account and left me 80 dollars, 59 for a doc appt and 21 for food, and as of august 1st he is going to be kicked out of the air force. we have only been married for 6 months, he hid his...