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  1. Enigma


    Hello Cloggy...I noticed from your post that you are in Norway. I lived in Norway for a year (90-91) in a small town near Oslo - Stavanger (attended a local American School, thus did not pick up much Norweigan language!) Where in Norway are you?
  2. Enigma

    Deaf Scuba Divers???

    Thanks ITPjohn - that would be great! I was hoping to see if any deaf had scuba experience - how it was to scuba in a hearing class, terp issues, etc. I don't think I will be able to get a terp since scuba lessons are private - not public service, thus not under ADA.
  3. Enigma

    Cutest Kid Sayings...

    My daughter, Shelby (age 7), was shopping with my mom last week at Illuminations (a candle store) in the mall. Shelby pleaded for a candle of her own, so my mom bought her a little candle. Shelby said, "Oh I will put this in my room!" My mom reminded her that she could not have candles in her...
  4. Enigma

    My RIGHTS to keep my Hearing Dog....

    I used to have a hearing dog (I'm in CA) and I understand the rights under ADA. Your landlord cannot evict you for having a hearing dog. Under the law, a hearing dog is considered "medical equipment" since we need the dog to be safe, and etc. A landlord could not evict someone for having a...
  5. Enigma

    "So You Think You Can Dance"

    How many of y'all got sucked into watching the Idol spin-off??? There seems to be some attaction in watching people make a fool of themselves in front of millions of viewers, lol. Last night was champ with wardrobe malfunctions, vomit (one girl threw up on the stage!), and excessive egos...
  6. Enigma

    How old was you when you was pregnant with your babies?

    I have three children - I had my oldest when I was 21 (couldn't drink for my 21st birthday - damn!), 23, and my last baby at 26. (I'm now 28). Alllllll done with babies (thanks god)!
  7. Enigma

    Deaf Scuba Divers???

    I'll admit it - I'm a water baby. Surfing, body-board, life-guard, swim team, snorkling...done it all. Next step? SCUBA! It's my goal to become certified before 30th b-day... Anyone here scuba before? Know of any deaf-friendly instructors in Northern CA?
  8. Enigma

    What state do you live in?

    California - Golden State, baby!
  9. Enigma


    Hello All! I came across AD a couple weeks ago and decided to join - looks fun. I'm a deafie from Northern CA and am looking forward to meeting everyone. :)