Search results

  1. Pluto

    How visual are you?

    I'm hoh and I hear with my eyes and see with my ears. My eyes could be better, but not too bad. I combine my ears and eyes to work together, which works well for me. It's difficult at first but if you concentrate a lot, then it becomes easier. This helps me out with everything; it makes me a...
  2. Pluto

    How's your weather today?

    105 and it is only 9:02 a.m.
  3. Pluto

    How do you feel about Terps

    I completely agree that salary information should be more available. It's odd considering Deaf culture and sharing information like that is a benefit for everyone.
  4. Pluto

    How do you feel about Terps

    I wish that people working out in public would make nearly the same as the VRS terps... I hope I never have to go to VRS because I know we need interpretors out in other places, but maybe since technology is becoming more advanced... it's really quite a dilemma.
  5. Pluto

    How do you feel about Terps

    But I would assume that at the same time, you cannot just be cold and cynistic. You have to show some emotion or else they might just assume you are a heartless creep. Balance, as said above, is key.
  6. Pluto

    Are you picky about buying a home?

    You should always be picky. You will live in that house for a long time (maybe). Good to have something you will love.
  7. Pluto

    My CI turn on date is...

    Congrats on your CI! Hope all goes well with it! You may be introduced to all sorts of noises in the world, but never forget to listen to the natural silence. Good luck.
  8. Pluto

    How do you feel about Terps

    I never even thought about how well a terp was paid... I just knew I wanted to become one. I guess that would be the right attitude?
  9. Pluto

    don't throw your sidekicks away just yet, but....

    I can't imagine the need for an MP3 player on the Mylo. I have difficulty hearing with headphones and I can't imagine a hearing person buying that monstrosity.
  10. Pluto

    Bad Words in Sign Language

    In all the times I've had to interpret, I've had to use a few swear words in both ASL and English. It comes up quite often, more than it should.
  11. Pluto

    Name Signs in The Wizard of Oz

    At my high school, we are putting on an ASL Variety Show, and my friends and I are going to be signing a song from the recent Broadway musical "Wicked." I have to sign The Wizard of Oz (the person) in a fast-paced song. Does he have a sign name? I'd imagine there is, but I could not find it...
  12. Pluto

    A few questions for interpreters

    :stupid: I didn't really mean "forcing" my way in so much... I did use inappropriate words. I have quite a few deaf friends, and they have taken me to a lot of the deaf pizza nights around my area. So maybe not "forced." Maybe I should stop trying to sound like I know what I'm talking...
  13. Pluto

    A few questions for interpreters

    I hate the hearing people because we are ungrateful for our hearing ability. I include myself because sometimes I forget it is there (weird?). I do rely on ASL more often than speaking because my friends are deaf. Is it weird for me to abandon my own culture and try and "force" my way into...
  14. Pluto

    For INTERPRETERS: A Wishlist

    Wow, I am learning so much from this discussion. I plan to be an interpreter someday so I plan to learn all I can first. I like to get views from the actual clients. I want to know what they want and what they need. Maybe annoyances? Good things to learn.
  15. Pluto

    Proper Etiquette

    No, but sometimes it isn't necessarily accurate. Some people, like me, are hard-of-hearing, meaning we are partially deaf. It's kind of subjective when dealing with an opinion of how deaf is deaf...
  16. Pluto ~ A meeting place for writers

    I can see that many of you seem to have a little bit of talent in writing. is a good place to post your writings, read works, and talk about writing techniques/strategies/complaints. Or if you prefer something a little bit more professional,
  17. Pluto

    Interpreter Ethics

    Interpreting is such a difficult job if you really try and stick to the Code of Ethics. Some rules must be broken in order for the translation to be clear. I've been translating for my entire life for many Deaf people, and I agree that the interpreter cannot set his own schedule - he must...
  18. Pluto

    Gallaudet Protests

    Umm, don't you hearing people constantly complain about things but never do anything to solve them or make things better? It's the same principle...
  19. Pluto

    I'm also new here

    Wow, such a welcoming party. Or maybe boredom?
  20. Pluto

    Love to eat Sushi, anyone?

    I absolutely love sushi! But that might be because I'm part collectively-asian (meaning part of my background is of all kinds of asian decent). Sushi isn't sushi though, if you are eating it with your hands or with a fork... must be eaten with chopsticks. I think my asian-ness is affecting...