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  1. S

    Final Finished my asl paper :]

    anyone care to read it? :wave:
  2. S

    please i need a quick answer!

    :hmm: ok so im writing a paper and i cannot remember for the life of me what the acronym is (or if there is one) for a deaf child born from hearing parents similar to how coda is child of deaf adult ?? i know ive learned but just cant remember.... please help :]
  3. S

    Aspiring interpreter

    hi im still in high school but currently have plans to get my interpreting liscense. i really love asl but im not sure how to go about getting my liscense or even being aparted of the deaf community... if anyone wants to help that would be great :] o and i would love to hear opinions...
  4. S

    Im new :]

    Hi im new to the website and was hoping to use it to help me find information. right now im working on a project for my Asl class and need information on the poem "thoughts of a deaf child" and info on the artisit but i cant seem to find much. if anyone can let me know that would be great :]