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  1. N

    Interview: Please Help

    I know that this information is on other posts, sorry I need it in interview form for my paper. I am sorry again for crashing your website and once I am done with my paper I will delete my account. I just need an interview for my paper that is due tonight and I just realized that I need an...
  2. N

    Vent about rude things hearies do

    Vent about rude things hearies do... I am hearing don't worry about insulting me i want to know what not to do you know there are tons of things so just get on with it..
  3. N

    Hi!! and a Question

    Hi!! I am a student, new to asl and Deaf Culture. I was wondering if anyone (or everyone) could give me pointers on some politeness things. My teacher (who is completly deaf) touched on it a little bit but I want to know about the unwritten rules of Deaf Culture. Please Help Me!! thanks...