Search results

  1. pinkbushwilly87


    Hello alldeaf, and its lovely members. :type: My name is Gina, and I am a profoundly deaf seventeen year old. I learned about this website through a good friend of mine, darkangel8603. I've been lurking for some time now, and made probably one thread... so this is my second thread. *Sticks...
  2. pinkbushwilly87

    Just a phase...?

    Hello! My name's Gina, and I'm a newbie to this site. Well, a lurker also, I guess. :angel: Anyhow, I am 17 years old. Last year, I kind of realized that I'm bi-curious since I somehow felt a bit strangely attracted to somegirls. My feelings got stronger few weeks before school ended, so now...