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  1. W

    Menieres Support Group Website

    Hi! I have Menieres, and became deaf from it in 2004, I just wanted to let anyone here know, if they also have Menieres here is a wonderful website. MENIERES.ORG -- Coping support site for Meniere's Disease. You are not alone!. Just wanted to share! Take care! (((hugs)))
  2. W

    Deaf After Hearing?

    Hi! I just wondered if any of you became deaf after you have been a hearing or hard of hearing person, how do you cope? I have been deaf since 2004 due to a condition called Menieres. I talk, read lips, I dont sign because I was told if I relied on sign language most of the time I could lose my...
  3. W

    Anyone here with Menieres?

    Hi! I was just curious to know if anyone here has Menieres. I do. I lost my hearing from Menieres in 2004. I still feel even though I lost my hearing after I learned to talk, read lips and was a hearing person before, I am still part of the deaf community also. I think to be able to adapt to...
  4. W

    Hello! I am new!

    Hi! I am so glad to find this site! I have been looking for a site like this for awhile. I am deaf due to a condition called Menieres. I became deaf in 2004. I am married, we will be celebrating our 25th Anniversary in February! I do not have kids but we do have an adorable teacup poodle named...