Recent content by zacho817

  1. Z

    What annoy YOU, as a hearing person, about the Deaf?

    i don't really have any complaints, and things like misunderstandings in communication (which happens quite often with my gf and I and is the cause of a lot of frustration) just takes patience to get through. I know i'll say something to my gf (she lipreads) and she'll look away for a second...
  2. Z

    Goofy Interpreters

    Pat molinder, yeah i know her, she's a great lady.
  3. Z

    Your most embarrassing moment in front of a girl/boy.

    hmmm, nope, can't think of any for me or you deafgal
  4. Z


    a poll about itself, a poll....*thinks too hard* ow.....confuzing.
  5. Z


    hmmmmm The thought of a deaf partner never crossed my mind until I met my now girlfriend. Its astonishing, she has come farther into my realm of experience than I ever thought a deaf person could. The biggest illustration for this, is that she loves music. She loves going to live performances...
  6. Z

    Operator System

    from a mac guy..... I know people sometimes cringe when i say it, but I love my mac. I run os X v.10.2
  7. Z

    boyfriend or girlfriend

    My gf is deaf, and i'm hearing. I've begun to learn sign since i've started dating her. Its really interesting to learn about.
  8. Z

    ain't that Bush?

    LOL, ooooh thats wrong, but so funny.