Recent content by trish_e87

  1. trish_e87

    Ask deaf people here

    I am hearing. I have a question about getting your drivers license. I think it's cool that deaf are able to get them, I was just wondering how it is during the test. When I took my driving test ,the instructer would say: Turn left at the next intersection. Or turn right at the 2nd...
  2. trish_e87

    We are NOT disabled.

    Your teacher is deaf? I am not sure why she would think that deaf are disabled especially since she is in a class of a deaf teacher... Why would you take a class where the teacher is deaf if you feel that way about them?
  3. trish_e87


    :giggle: yeah i don't see how people can spell so good sometimes. I mess up sometimes and spell things wrong :P
  4. trish_e87


    :D thanks everyone for the advice! I am getting it a little better :) I do think about the letters too much. I overthink everything though :p Well i will keep practicing. My fiance is taking sign language this coming quater so i hope he likes it. We can talk to each other and that...
  5. trish_e87

    Bi Question

    I am bi. I have never been with a girl. I know strange lol. I guess I was always too afraid of it. My family would never except it so I always dated guys. When I finally was willing to give it a try I met my fiance. He's the coolest guy ever! Well i had never came out that I was bi, only...
  6. trish_e87

    Being Gay...most agravating

    :giggle: that is awesome! I like how you just answered their question and didn't mention the boyfriend. People automatically assume you're straight. I usually ask people, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? I think it's mainly because I have a lot of friends who are bisexual. So I...
  7. trish_e87

    How do you do it?

    maybe your friends and family are afraid they might use the wrong sign. they might be scared that it will come out wrong and that your husband will become mad at them for it. Maybe they feel like they wont be fast enought. Then there are just some people who don't care. I can see how it must...
  8. trish_e87

    I found this on a site it is sad

    Thoughts of a Deaf Child My family knew that I was deaf When I was only three, and since then fifteen years ago Have never signed to me. I know when I'm around the house, I try and use my voice, It makes them feel more comfortable; For me, I have no choice. I try, communicate their...
  9. trish_e87

    i have been wear my cochlear implant 2 years from now

    Well I am glad that you are able to have one then :) I hope it works well through the years. have a nice day
  10. trish_e87

    Ask me almost anything

    what do you do for fun? :D
  11. trish_e87

    Does this happen often???

    well I am sorry you guys have to go through that. I get people making fun of me and my fiance a lot. Mainly because we usually have unnatural hair colors. like pink,purple,blue LOL. Right now it is black though. But I have an anger problem for things like that. So I just let that stuff...
  12. trish_e87

    i have been wear my cochlear implant 2 years from now

    I am just curious. how do you get use to that? Is it really hard to get use to? Cause I am a hearing person and I know if I try learning a new language its very hard. Signing is the only language I have picked up well. It can still be hard at times. Just wondering if it took a long time...
  13. trish_e87

    Does this happen often???

    My teacher who teaches us sign language told us a story. In her upper classes she takes her sign students out to eat. They are not allowed to talk at all. Only signs and fingerspell. They ahve to ignore hearing people the best they can. She said there were construction workers coming into...
  14. trish_e87

    Would this have offended you???

    was she real mean about it? I would think that if she was not mad she would have answered you. Some people just don't know much about the subject but she probably should have taken what you said into consideration. i know that I would have probably been somewhat annoyed by it.
  15. trish_e87

    Hi everyone

    hehe thanks I am pretty exicted about signing. I love it. I am always excited to go to sign class to elarn more. Sometimes I even go ahead of everyone and learn more signs when I have time. :) I am from Ironton Ohio. I bet Clevland is a lot more fun. There is not much to do here...