Recent content by TheHalfWayMan

  1. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    Also, for anyone that does believe in me and my project, I am unsubscribing from the different threads to which I was subscribed. If you would like to help out (with as much caution as you like), my settings allow you to contact me via email. All the best.
  2. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    You stand by your accusations against me and my project and I stand in their defense. The whole crux of this entire debate is you saying that "any benefit to the deaf community is is a side effect of your intended goal to advance and sell your product", whilst I am saying that "any benefit my...
  3. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    Never have I said that this project is altruistic in its nature. Rather, I've clearly stated that I've taken on a company project on a personal level because it allows me (personally) to engage in good without neglecting my company. After all, I could have simply paid someone else to do all of...
  4. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    Just to let you all know, although I'm no longer posting on this board, I have put up a post called Ulterior Motives, the title of which should speak for itself.
  5. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    The barrage of denials is in response to the unexpected barrage of incorrect assumptions and accusations. It is odd because it is a completely original approach to solving the ongoing problem of ignorance and service inaccessibility. If it wasn't wanted, I wish someone would have said so and...
  6. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    Jillio, Thanks for making your skepticism clear for me. At least now I see where you are coming from. What your basically saying though, is that a company is not allowed to do good because it is a company. Being a busy individual who is devoted to family life, I hate not having the time to...
  7. TheHalfWayMan

    Do you let your pet sleep in your bed?

    I'm perfectly fine with our cats sleeping on our bed, but my wife doesn't like it at all. She was allergic at first, but it seems to have gone away. Hopefully, with time, she won't mind (she doesn't even let them in our bed room!)
  8. TheHalfWayMan

    Any designers here?

    Hi assassin, Would you be interested in taking part? The competition page is over here and there are about 5 days left before it closes. Thanks
  9. TheHalfWayMan

    Any designers here?

    I'd love to, but I really need everyone's support. I have nothing to hide and I believe in what I'm doing and the good it can bring about. So I'd rather confront any wrong beliefs or accusations so that my sincerity can prevail. Thanks for the advice though.
  10. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    Jillio, whilst your concern for others is great, your word of caution is only going to act as a barrier. What does anyone have to be cautious about? The difference between now and the last 100 years is the internet and the increasing levels of human participation online. Really, up until...
  11. TheHalfWayMan

    Any designers here?

    In fact, thinking about it, I wish a mod would step in and contact me off the board so he/she can establish my authenticity, otherwise every post I make is being viewed with suspicion and making things feel like time-wasted. I'm determined to see this project succeed, so if any Mods...
  12. TheHalfWayMan

    Any designers here?

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!! I wonder what I can do to bring this to an end. No they're not. I'm working on a big project which has many aspects to it. All my subjects tie down to that project. I haven't brought up donations anywhere. The only donation I...
  13. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    Also, if anyone was deafened or born deaf to hearing parents or is a hearing parent with a Deaf child, I would like to hear your Hearing-to-Deaf story as well. Thanks.
  14. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    Hi Jillio, Society is made up individuals. Our methodology is to encourage change on an individual level and for such individuals to encourage change amongst each other in a viral manner. If everyone changed themselves, then society will change. Also, you may have misunderstood, but the...
  15. TheHalfWayMan

    Would you write a short diary entry for $20?

    Not only that, but different efforts might employ different methodologies and I'm quite confident in the methodology which we're looking to employ. The only requirement is the non-financial support of people in the Deaf community. In my opinion, big change can only come about on an individual...