Recent content by Silentcougar

  1. S

    ASL vs ESL

    ASL is best! I know it is hard for hearing people to learn ASL. However, if they practice hard, they will sucessed. I agree that ESL is not properly word to use for Sign Exact English. Here in Gally, ESL means English as second language. Sorry. However, if I can learn Spanish language...
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    what is your name .......

    my name is ... Zippy Applemouth? :roll:
  3. S

    AllDeaf members ages

    I am 22 now, will be 32 in next month:lol:
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    [sigh] I'm Gallaudet student It is bullshit that Gally is all bad.:roll: Lazy students and dropouts always said bad things about colleges and universities. I know it, I had been there. Please do research before you decide, Gally may have majors that others don't have or not. I...
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    comparing deaf children and hearing children...just curious

    Did you ever got lost when you were very young kid? It happened once to dad and me. when my dad was young boy, he went to fair with his father and brother. My dad is only deaf kid in his family. There were many people at fair, my dad got lost from his father and bro. What my dad do? First...
  6. S

    As A Child, What Was Your FIRST Sign Language?

    My parents taught me ASL since i was born. at about 11 month old, my first sign is "BUTTERFLY" few weeks later, i sign more words and some sentences. I didnt sign "mom" or "dad" until much later.:thumb: