Recent content by Santa Rita

  1. Santa Rita

    Pics of you - Part V

    Come on, most mug shots are awful and this one is not any different. But thank you for being kind. ;-)
  2. Santa Rita

    Greeting from Texas!

    :lol: Nope but I do know that you look familiar. I knew Jody from college so it is possible that I met you through him.
  3. Santa Rita

    Pics of you - Part V

    Well, you can see my mug shot in my avatar. That is me. You can see a smirk on my face as I was thinking to myself, "Ha! Whatever. This is BS..." I was shaking my head and chuckling at the whole situation during the time I was there. There is a short story behind the pic...I requested an...
  4. Santa Rita

    Greeting from Texas!

  5. Santa Rita

    Greeting from Texas!

    I am not sure but I think I met you at Starbucks in Fort Worth or through Jody Dunn. It was years ago, though.
  6. Santa Rita

    8.9 quake in Japan triggers massive tsunamis

    Those natural disasters caused by Mother Nature are not the problem as they have been natural occurrences for centuries. We are the ones who created this problem. Over-population of certain areas along the fault lines is the sole problem or reason for a high causality rate. Over-populated...
  7. Santa Rita

    Greeting from Texas!

    Thanks to all for the welcome.
  8. Santa Rita

    Greeting from Texas!

    That is cool. My dad lives in Katy so I make a couple of trips down there every year, especially for the holidays. I also have several friends down there in H-Town as well.
  9. Santa Rita


    A single 21 years old always looking to score, huh? Reminds of myself when I was in college. Enjoy it while you are still in your prime! :P
  10. Santa Rita

    Greeting from Texas!

    Hello, Misty. Where are you in Texas? I am new to this site but it would be funny if I meet some people I already know on here! :)
  11. Santa Rita

    Greeting from Texas!

    Bottenisi- Yep. I have been profoundly deaf since birth.
  12. Santa Rita

    Greeting from Texas!

    Hope this thread finds y'all doing well. This is Jeff from Texas and I heard about this site so I decided to drop by to check out this forum. There is not much to say about myself at this moment but I can tell you that I am very open-minded on just about any subject you wish to bring up. It...