Recent content by Saifullah786

  1. Saifullah786

    What are you thinking about? Part III

    I'm thinking about how much homework I have and how school is taking up so much of my time. Also, I'm still in the process of trying to figure out why Indians love to start their parties late at night and end up coming home at like 3 AM.
  2. Saifullah786

    is it normal for deaf people to worry about this?

    This is interesting. I never knew deaf people were concerned about this. I'm hearing and I don't think it's a big deal at all. Everyone breathes differently I guess. I have a hearing friend who breathes really loudly compared to other people and it has never bothered me before. Besides you guys...
  3. Saifullah786

    Post Your Computer Setup

    I got lucky and bought mine right before the sale ended.
  4. Saifullah786

    Unofficial AllDeaf Map - Post Your Location!

    H-town! HOUSTON! =D
  5. Saifullah786

    Post Your Computer Setup

    i have an awesome macbook pro! :D i had to convince my parents to get it for me... i think it was the book to school sale that apple was having where you receive a free ipod with a $100 discount on a macbook.
  6. Saifullah786

    The Truth about the Tea Party

  7. Saifullah786

    Cochlear implants parts cost outrages?

    hmm i thought insurance covered the cochlear implant for at least on of the ear? or, is this not true?
  8. Saifullah786

    ASL Passion

    hey there! that's cool that you love signing :D i do too! in my high school, they also offer up to three levels of asl. i'm actually in the third level right now and i LOVE sing language! esp. signing songs! well, anyway, welcome!
  9. Saifullah786

    What did you learn today?

    woah. didn't know that. well guess i learned something new as well today!
  10. Saifullah786

    ASL Student from Minnesota :)

    that's cool. i wanna be an interpreter too!
  11. Saifullah786

    What did you learn today?

    I learned that "Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgiving" is actually true. (Quote from Elizabeth Bibesco)
  12. Saifullah786

    What did you learn today?

    hmm.. i learned that sleeping till 3:30 PM is not the best idea =/ the whole day passes by and you feel as if nothing was accomplished that day.. lol which yeah, nothing was accomplished that day!
  13. Saifullah786

    I have a question

    I think it's a great idea to teach ASL to children who are hard of hearing and who are even hearing! What's the harm? Have fun and good luck!
  14. Saifullah786

    Hello from Texas!

    uh-oh... lol i'm a texan as well :D hey everybody! just found out about this forum when searching up some signs. looks pretty cool! =]