Recent content by RedTwister

  1. RedTwister


  2. RedTwister

    Hearing aids during sports

    While playing most sports I remove my hearing aids... usually because I am concerned about getting them sweaty. While I was on a high school swim team the school provided a light strobe that flashed when the starter pistol was fired. Using a vibrating tactile aid might be useful! I hated...
  3. RedTwister

    Spill something completely random about yourself...

    LOL... NO WAY!!!! /married //sorry for the threadjack folks. Nothing to see here.. move along...
  4. RedTwister

    Spill something completely random about yourself...

    Daymn! Dang woman! You're DEAF! Don't you know that deafies hump each other left and right? Shouldn't be too hard to find someone for a one-nighter!
  5. RedTwister

    Under the Word of God

    Time For A Religion Forum!!! Whoever is in charge of making forums and such... PLEASE MAKE A RELIGION FORUM! It'll keep crazy freaks in their own little area. Christians are weird. I'm a Christian... but I also think that most christians are either too damn pushy, too judgemental...
  6. RedTwister

    The Gospels are not Historical

    You're ALL IDIOTS! Take it from one who knows. Evolution is an extremely valid scientific theory. I could go ON and ON about the scientific proof. For example, chimp DNA and human DNA are 97% IDENTICAL! Human DNA isn't 'pure'... it has scripts for making gills -- from back when our...
  7. RedTwister

    Religion forum

    If they make a religion forum, I wanna propose that we create a new "OMG!!!" forum. OMG!!! is a place where we can bitch about stupid people. Plenty of stupid people on these forums... I think OMG!!! would be a popular place!!!
  8. RedTwister

    Religion forum

    OMG!!!!LOLOL!!! THIS IS T3H r0x0rz!!!!! LOLOL!!! It's time for a lesson from..... (drumroll) CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! Captain Obvious says: If you don't like what people say in religion forums.... THEN DON'T READ THEM!!!!! Thank you. /supports a religion forum... won't read...
  9. RedTwister

    Anyone know sign for Armenia???

    Thank You! interesting! thanks for the information, I appreciate it greatly!
  10. RedTwister

    Anyone know sign for Armenia???

    If someone knows, I would like to learn the sign for the country Armenia. My sister-in-law is from Armenia, and I'd love to show her the sign for her home country. :-)
  11. RedTwister

    Iso Image

    Wow... horrible description Dang... from everything that I learned in this thread I'm ready to go and install Alcohol 120% and mount my .ISOs and play. You don't know shit. Your instructions would be impossible for a newbie to use. /been using alcohol and disc images for years //don't...
  12. RedTwister

    I need help with ASL classes!

    Yeah.... Interpretrator is on the right track. I was born Deaf, but I didn't learn ASL til I took ASL 101 at my local college. The class was "voice off" and it worked really well for me. I wish you the best in your quest for ASL skills! :-)
  13. RedTwister

    Ikea! Ikea! Ikea!

    IKEA is teh Bomb! Man... I love IKEA. My wife loves IKEA even more though... the perfect is day is the day that I sit in the cafeteria eating platefuls of SWEDISH MEATBALLS while she shops shops and shops. /Used to go to IKEA near Seattle //Now lives in Utah ///No IKEA in Utah... damn...
  14. RedTwister

    What do you like about -- above -- game

    Deaf258 I think Deaf258 is the bomb-diggity dank! He has been my good friend for years... a very honest and caring individual. Honest and caring.... just so long as you don't piss him off. If you cross the line, then he's just another bastard.
  15. RedTwister

    RedTwister hits AlllDeaf!

    Damn... I can only imagine the hell that I would go thru if I had more than one wife. One is plenty enough!