Recent content by RedSatinDoll

  1. R

    Hearing gal from SE CT

    Thank you all very much! It seems like a very friendly place and interesting - a lot of opinions. (Sometimes the textbooks make it sound like the Deaf World is a monolith where everyone thinks alike - but they do that to any "community" I suppose - gay, black, feminist, whathaveyou...
  2. R

    New ASL Student

    JT's request is similar enough to my own that I didn't want to start another thread. I live in southeastern CT (New London), am studying ASL through the program at Northwest CT Community College, towards an Associate as an ASL interpreter. I am also a hearing lesbian (not that the two are...
  3. R

    Looking for community in southeast CT - RI

    Hi everyone, I am a hearing lesbian who is studying ASL at Interpreter program, Northwest CT Community College, and I am looking for Deaf Clubs, events, etc in SE CT or in Rhode Island (I live in New London CT). (All the CT happenings for Deaf seem to be located in western part of state. CT is...
  4. R

    Hearing gal from SE CT

    Hello everyone, my name is Janice. I am taking the Interpreter program at Northwestern CT Community College about 100 miles away from where I live in New London, CT. (Am I crazy? I do wonder sometimes.) I am starting ASL 1 and Deaf Culture, and I took a basic 4-week course at ASD in West...