Recent content by Metaphysicist

  1. M

    DVD's and TVs W/O CC

    Darkage, I mean no offense, but I am having trouble understanding you. I take it English isn't your first language. Don't get me wrong, you are doing a lot better at English than I ever did in any other language. My income is only around $800 a month, which is why I say buying a new tv -...
  2. M

    DVD's and TVs W/O CC

    I think there's some misunderstanding of what I am looking for. I'm not concerned about the switch to digital as I have cable and am already covered. $450 is over a third of my monthly income - and yes it is sad for me. But it is at least livable - the alt is worse. I'm just looking...
  3. M

    DVD's and TVs W/O CC

    I have an older tv that doesn't have CC and a very close friend who is deaf. I never messed with DVDs because I'm just not into movies. But she is. She recently got me a DVD player for Father's day. She told the sale person she needed something that would do CC on a tv that doesn't have CC. But...
  4. M

    Looking for Option for Texting

    Man, this has been a great help, thank you all! I'm almost embarrassed to say I really know nothing of cell phones as I only ever had a prepaid one - and that was several years ago. I just never had enough need that I could justify the cost. I was really hoping that there were plans for...
  5. M

    Looking for Option for Texting

    Yeah, my roommate has one of those. He said that each text message takes a half a minutes each, which could end up being a bit pricey. But it is a good viable option if nothing better turns up. Thank you very much.
  6. M

    Looking for Option for Texting

    MY GF of the past couple of years is hearing impaired and so we talk a lot via texting; either to her phone or her computer. However, I can only do it from my computer as I have no cell phone [well, none with service]. I, myself, am disabled and so am on Soc Sec. So my income is less than...