Recent content by Megan Murphy

  1. M

    Looking to practice ASL and make friends over skype

    not at all! Go right ahead! If its easier you can also use meganmurphy722 as the username!
  2. M

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    I'd be willing! My Skype is meganmurphy722
  3. M

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    Hi, my name is Megan and I am teaching myself ASL with a bit of background from taking courses in highschool. I would love to Skype and practice if you are willing!
  4. M

    Anyone want to glide or video phone chat ?

    I would be willing! But i am still learning ASL, don't know if that would be an issue.
  5. M

    Looking to practice ASL and make friends over skype

    Hi! I am teaching myself ASL and I would love to skype and practice with you. My username is
  6. M

    Looking for help learning asl!

    Thanks! Hi! I would love to skype with you! I'll add you on skype!
  7. M

    Hearing girl, wanting to learn more asl (and make friends in the process)!

    Hi! I also want to learn more ASL! I'd be willing to glide or Skype!
  8. M


    Hi! I am also new to learning and try to find someone to practice with!
  9. M

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    Hi there! I took some ASL classes in high school and have been trying to teach myself as much as i can because i really like the language. It has been hard for me to transition from basic sentences to holding a conversation. If anyone would be willing to chat with me via Skype that would be great!
  10. M

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    I would love to practice with you
  11. M

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    I would love to do a weekly chat via skype if you wouldn't mind!
  12. M

    Teaching On Glide

    Would you be willing to let me join? I'm also very new, I took some classes in high school but I don't remember a lot of it. I would really like to become as proficient as possible.
  13. M

    Really hoping to meet someone proficient in ASL to help me become better!

    Really hoping to meet someone proficient in ASL to help me become better!
  14. M

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    I would love to do something like that!