Recent content by Marijane Wright

  1. M

    Deaf and Dumb?

    Deaf And Dumb Not All Deaf And Mute Peole Are Not Dumb!!! And I get very tired of hearing Deaf, Mute, Dumb in the same sentence!!!
  2. M

    Taking pictures at funerals

    Dear, pek1 My family and I work with deceased every day and your post was nicely put into words. If I did'nt know better I would of thought that you were a mortician too... And again your words were nicely done. Take Care: " Mollie "
  3. M

    Taking pictures at funerals

    My family owns 4 funeral homes in Ohio and it seems that out my whole family clan there are about 8 Morticians and 6 Medical Examers and 4 who just Funeral Directors 4 Mortuary Techincians but we have always left it up to the family if they choose to allow any pictures to be taken of...
  4. M

    Why did God pick people to be deaf?

    My one friend asks me that question all the time and I sign to him and say you did'nt ask to be born deaf but God chose for you to be deaf for a reason and until you find that reason you'll just have to keep on searching until you find that answer. And I also told him he's my angel and I...
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    Dear, Whambambam I have a very close friend who was born deaf and He loves Dale Jr. too. Everytime he e-mails me his beginning logo is Budwiser Is Winning. My friend has one room in his apartmet just with Dale Sr. and Dale Jr. stuff in it. We are routing for Dale Jr. as always. Best of luck...
  6. M

    What kind of dogs?

    How Do You Teach A Dog Sign Language? I have a 7 month black Sharpe-Boxer mix named Boo and I would love to teach her to understand sign language so that she can also become a companion to my one very close deaf friend I think that he would like that too since they get along so well now. Can...
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    Which CSI is best?

    The CSI show I Like the best is .... I work In The Forensic Sciences myself and it hard to pick which one CSI show is the Best because I love them all too bad that they don't have a CSI show for every night of the week....
  8. M

    Does deaf people can drive? (One guy asked me)

    Don't Judge A Deaf Person Because In God's Eye's Were All The Same . And Someday All The Deaf People Will Have Perfect Wings.
  9. M

    Does deaf people can drive? (One guy asked me)

    To the person who says that deaf people can't drive. Deaf people can do everything and anything that a hearing person can do except hear. I have three very close friends that were born deaf and one is Medical Doctor, one is a Judge, and one is Mortician. And they all can drive. So Please...