Recent content by liriope

  1. liriope

    asking family members or friends to learn ASL?

    Thanks everyone, I have had no luck so far :( really lonely.
  2. liriope

    So lonely..

    I'm in college and finding that others in my program have made lots of friends, while I am the one outsider. Even though I'm very friendly! :( I think other students are avoiding me because my hearing loss is awkward for them. I'm the only deaf student I know at my school and the only one in...
  3. liriope

    How many deafies here know languages besides English and ASL?

    Aside from English, I know French fluently and Spanish passably :) I love languages!
  4. liriope

    asking family members or friends to learn ASL?

    Ambrosia was right, I was hoping some people I already know/my family would learn it with me but they don't seem too interested. So I guess I just have to make some new friends and practice w/them
  5. liriope

    Are hearing people supposed to be on this forum?

    Going through this thread I feel a bit sad. Not every deaf/HOH person is Deaf, so some of you are basically saying that because we aren't a part of Deaf Culture we don't belong here? :\ What about hard of hearing people who are sort of in between deaf and hearing? What about late-deafened people...
  6. liriope

    asking family members or friends to learn ASL?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any advice. I'm late-deafened and have been studying ASL for awhile, but none of my friends or family know it. I'm a bit shy to ask them to learn it with me, and doubtful that they will. It makes life pretty lonely! Where I live there's no deaf community...
  7. liriope


    I'm 25 and I was diagnosed when I was 13. I'm bilateral and have lost a lot of my hearing in both ears. I took an ASL class, level 1, a few years ago but live in a small community now and there's no deaf groups or ASL classes, so I'm using Bill Vicars' videos and LifePrint site to try and...
  8. liriope

    Ellen Page

    I heard about that, she's given me some more courage to come out as a lesbian too. I'm still really scared to, though, I hope my family will accept me. cheers to her
  9. liriope

    Not your typical college freshman

    Hey! I have Meniere's disease too (I know it's no fun) and am in college too, nice to meet you.
  10. liriope


    Just thought I should introduce myself. I am 25 and HOH, with a severe loss in one ear and a moderate-to-severe in the other. I'm late-deafened from Meniere's disease, and it's been kind of depressing for me to lose my hearing, since I'm used to having it (I started losing it around 10 years...