Recent content by lanterna

  1. L

    "Hearing Impaired" = offensive?

    There is no reason to worry about it so much in my opinion. Just say "I cannot hear you, my hearing's kind of messed up" and usually people are nice to communicate better without having to put a "tag" on your situation.
  2. L

    Hearing in the City

    Hi guys. I am a student working on proposing to the City of Portland (Oregon) a plan to make their transportation system and city sidewalks more "deaf-accessable". I am deaf, and have found difficulties when knowing if there is a streetcar approaching, or cars, or other potential threats to...
  3. L

    What kind of deaf technologies do you use?

    Hi guys, just wondering what all technologies everybody else uses.
  4. L

    Deaf College Student Looking for Opinions

    Hello, I am a deaf college student looking for some or your guys' opinions on a paper I am writing for my college thesis about deaf culture. I am only able to take answers from my questions, not stuff that is already written on this site. I know you guys hate answering any questions, but...
  5. L

    Deaf College Student Looking for Opinions

    Hello, I am a deaf college student looking for some or your guys' opinions on a paper I am writing for my college thesis about deaf culture. I am only able to take answers from my questions, not stuff that is already written on this site. I know you guys hate answering any questions, but...
  6. L

    Deaf College Student Looking for Opinions

    Hello, I am a deaf college student looking for some or your guys' opinions on a paper I am writing for my college thesis about deaf culture. I am only able to take answers from my questions, not stuff that is already written on this site. I know you guys hate answering any questions, but...
  7. L

    Survey for my Senior Thesis (deaf-product design)

    HELLO! I am developing a new product for the deaf population for my senior product design project. I was wondering if you might be able to answer these questions? I would love any and all support! Thanks guys! --------------HEARING LOSS AND SITUATIONAL AWARENESS SURVEY---------...