Recent content by Julie°

  1. J

    Once in a lifetime picture

    And, oh, look at the wings. Very "accidently" that it's just identical. But again, I don't want to make a negative comment/people angry at me :) It is beautiful.
  2. J

    Once in a lifetime picture

    Yes, it's also my opinion that it's photoshopped... Look at the two birds forming the eyes, and then look at the mouth. They're different: the smiling-bird is more natural, while the two eyes-birds have a strange, perfect round "head" and "body", which is a perfect circle. So? But it is...
  3. J

    BIGFOOT is discovered, NOT. China's Hairiest man and how he feels about it

    Aww, poor guy... That's not nice - but it's great that he wants to face the public by now. I would never laugh at him.
  4. J


    Well, I'm living in Belgium, Flanders - so the chance that I'll find an authentic poetry book of 1815 is reduced to zero percent :p I think I might have more chance if I were going to live in England, but of course...That'll be for later, maybe. P.S.: I found your thread.
  5. J

    Coweb of Memory

    Yes... Beautiful poem, which sets me thinking (once again) of people in the past: their lives, their loves, ... Also greatly illustrated by tolkien, by the way, in a poem that I like very much: I sit beside the fire and think of all that I have seen, of meadow-flowers and butterflies In...
  6. J

    the first snowshoes

    Oh! That was a beautiful story. I've always liked indian legends.
  7. J


    Ohh, that's fantastic... I always wanted to buy an authentic poetry book of lord Byron... I've already been searching on eBay but I don't like to buy online. If you want to, you can start a thread with your own poetry - I would enjoy it very much. (And I think I'll read some poems of...
  8. J

    Deaf or hearing? Some thoughts...

    Well, I suppose I will do someday.
  9. J

    Deaf or hearing? Some thoughts...

    Although this is all a misunderstanding, it is indeed a nice metaphor...
  10. J

    Deaf or hearing? Some thoughts...

    I did NOT say (or think) "basically" that deaf guys are way beneath me. That would indeed be very offensive! I think I've expressed myself too badly, that's also the reason why I deleted this.
  11. J


    Walt Whitman? Never heard of him before! I'm going to look him up. And thanks for your compliments!
  12. J

    **Fun** Pick the month you were born:

    I danced with a banana in your bathroom because I'm AWESOME.
  13. J


    Thanks for your positive comments. @Tousi: This is the only sonnet I tried to write. Actually, I don't read much sonnets, I also find them too restrictive for writing poetry. Besides, my first language is Dutch... So americans/englishmen can do it far better than me :)
  14. J


    This is a sort of own sonnet that I wrote, with Shakespeare's "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" as inspiration. (By the way: English is not my mother-tongue :p) Shall I describe now when I see your face? On Earth there's never been, oh, such a place Where I am free, whether near or...