Recent content by JulianCarax

  1. J

    Montreal, Quebec - Deaf friends wanted

    I saw my message of yesterday wasn't sent. So I hope I can remember parts of it. I asked if here are some people who go to McGill. It would be nice to meet some of them and talk about the life there.
  2. J

    Montreal, Quebec - Deaf friends wanted

    I'm still kinda scared of having to find a room in Montreal by my own. I really avoid phone calls at any rate. If I ever go out of the city, I will try :deaf:. And if it is of no help I can still say ja ne parles pas le francais. Are there some deaf people at McGill?
  3. J

    Montreal, Quebec - Deaf friends wanted

    By the way, I grew up bilingual and English was discarded when I was something around 12 cause of my hearing loss. So I am just out of practice with lip reading.
  4. J

    Montreal, Quebec - Deaf friends wanted

    Oh yes, I meant it. I'm sorry for not having specified this. My French is not worth mentioning. Native speakers in English have some various kinds of colloquial speech and my ability to hear is not sufficient for that. But I could understand them all in Montreal, so I don't expect to have some...
  5. J

    Montreal, Quebec - Deaf friends wanted

    :wave: I'm goin' to go to Montreal next summer. So I really would be glad to meet some deaf - hearing impaired people there. I am declared to be deaf but due to my hearing aids I still get something around 60% of the spoken words. At least if it is in the English that is spoken by Québécois.