Recent content by jamo

  1. J

    Deaf and Depressed in Alaska

    Depression can be really difficult if you feel like you don't have support. I would try contacting national hotlines for depression or even suicide prevention. Many of them have an option to communicate through text, email, or live chat online. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline has an...
  2. J

    Can you learn ASL from a book?

    The Sign Language Center in Manhattan has excellent classes. New York also has a ton of Deaf events you can go to. If you're not interested in formal classes, I would start with the ASL meetup group that meets in Union square every Friday. Everyone is really friendly, and there's lots of people...
  3. J

    just introducing myself

    Thanks so much for those links. I can never have enough resources for learning new signs. Now i just need to find a better username to use on those sites :hmm:
  4. J

    just introducing myself

    Ha!! i've never heard of those before. jamo is my nickname in real life, so i didn't give my username much thought. Maybe I should consider changing it.
  5. J

    just introducing myself

    Hi everyone, I've been a member for a little while, but I just realized that I never actually introduced myself. I'm Jamison. I've been studying ASL off and on for about 8 years. I'm currently living in New York and trying to get more involved with the Deaf community here, so if you see me at...