Recent content by iluvWinterguard

  1. I

    How many people here are NOT deaf?

    im a hearing ASL student and my mom is partialy deaf...but thats not why i take asl, ha cause she wont let me teach her sign anyway!
  2. I

    Photoshop/Graphic/DeviantArt Users

    i have deviantart accout. i just put some more paintings on actuly. i would love to have photo shop 7 i wish i had it so bad. whats you deviant id?
  3. I

    ASL as a foreign language

    im in oregon and take ASL at my high school where it is counted as a forigen language credit whats more the problem in oregon is colleges not accepting it as language credit. and i have an amazingly skilled teacher. he is very active in the deaf culture and constantly try to get us to be. my...