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  • Excited and nervous to pick up my first hearing aid tomorrow.
    It is taking a bit of getting used to. The audiologist told me she was putting it on the starter setting and over the next 28 days it will go all the way up. For a bit i had a bad headache. I didnt think i would notice the difference but i did when it was out vs in. I like it. Though i am freaked out because its tiny (i lose stuff easy even my house keys) its an Oticon Nera.
    I googled Oticon Nera. Looks tiny! I hope it doesn't give you headache anymore. Cochlear implant gave me headache all the time when I wore it from age of 9 to 15. I haven't wore it since 15 years old. I'm 35 now. Were you able to recognize the sounds?
    Yes i was able to. I just thought it was mild i cant be missing that much. Its like someone turned a equalizer on and you hear how sharp and clear things are! Its like its still trying to balance out so its giving me a head ache.
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