Recent content by abarger

  1. abarger

    So excited about being a part of this group!

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to take a second to say how truely excited I feel right now to be involved with the deaf community through this site! I am reading so many of these posts and learning so much about deaf culture and things I would have never known before. I have already taken ASL1 and...
  2. abarger

    What good thing happened to you today?

    Finished my last assignment for this term today!
  3. abarger

    Scuba for HoH people

    I can't figure out how to message back when I recieve a message but I don't do body for life. I am an independent beachbody coach, I help people meet their fitness goals and I have used beachbody products for 7 yrs now and they are awesome!
  4. abarger

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I have to say I'm glad I joined this forum. I would never treat someone deaf ridiculously like these people ya'll talk about. I would at least grab some paper before saying nevermind. I guess I never realized before now that there is such tension between the hearing and the deaf, but rightfully...
  5. abarger

    Trying to meet people in the deaf community

    Hi every one! I am a 26 yr old female that just finished ASL 1 this term. I am trying to meet people from the deaf community so that I can better learn ASL. I am going to school to interpret and would love to make connections with people who use sign language as their primary language:) Thanks:ty:
  6. abarger

    What do we have in common?

    Hi! So funny to find you on here I am in your ASL class this term. I am also trying to meet people in the deaf community because I figure thats the best way to really learn the most ASL