Recent content by 2500kelvin

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    The Official Member Picture Thread

    Nice you are
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    Hello from Spain

    Lots of thank you PurrMeow!!!
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    Hello from the Philippines!!!

    Hi jojo. I arrived today but i feel like in home, so let me wellcome you ;)
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    i'm new

    I'm new here too, so wellcome for us ;)
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    Hello from Spain

    Thank you CrazyRedHeadWV, LM60CT, Fly Free & CODAchild!!! :dance2:
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    You Have to Be Hard of Hearing to Understand

    Yeah, I know. I am also HoH and know that feeling. As said, it's difficult for them to understand how we can hear some stuff but not all. It's really a mess, because i can be talking to someone in a quiet room and then if we are in the street with lots of noises, the hearing aid gets dizzy and...
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    Hello from Spain

    Hello deafclimber. Thank you for your bienvenida!! Meg, Osho is an indian philosopher or mistyc and Buko is... well.... a drunken poet :lol: . Both of them have great books. Errr... I live in the east cost of Spain :D
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    Hello from Spain

    Hello Meg, how fast your wellcome! I'd love to show you anything you want to know about my counrty. Where are you from?
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    Hello from Spain

    Ooh, i forget to tell anything about me. My name's Carlos, or Charles, Charlie, Sir Charles -as you like to call me. I'm photography student. Like sports, reading -bukowski, osho, nietzsche-, travelling.... but i have no money for it! so i rather change it for a walk by the seaside
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    Hello from Spain

    Hi from Spain. I have just arrived and hope to have a nice time with you here. Me 24 and reaaally hard-hearing. Is anybody else from Spain here? If not, love to read from you anyway :lol: