

New Member
Jul 30, 2007
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I recently found out a new term "pansexual" I thought to share with you guys.
Its basically like bi-sexual but its for gender not sex only (sex is biological identity like born female) and gender is what you considered yourself as. Like transgendered, etc.
So pansexual is you're attracted in any gender but of course you have preference like only FTM, female, and male but not MTF, or other way around, or whatever combo it is.
Anyone out there that's pansexual?
Interesting thread. Pansexual is a just new word for me.
I think sex with pans should be against the law. Pots maybe, but never pans. Some people have way too much time on their hands who sit around and think up tredy new labels.
I've heard alot about the weirdest combinations of sexuality out there, though I never had an interest to experiment or venture into these type of lifestyles. LOL

I think sex with pans.....

I recently found out a new term "pansexual" I thought to share with you guys.
Its basically like bi-sexual but its for gender not sex only (sex is biological identity like born female) and gender is what you considered yourself as. Like transgendered, etc.
So pansexual is you're attracted in any gender but of course you have preference like only FTM, female, and male but not MTF, or other way around, or whatever combo it is.
Anyone out there that's pansexual?

There is Genderfuck. :lol:
Yes, it's real one.
Genderfuck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both of these are interesting... (I saw the thread title and it caught my eye)

I think both of these have a good point.
While there is 'standard' (biological) gender, most of the time (some people are obviously more 'ambiguous' for one reason or another...) I think society places a LOT of useless and unfounded 'rules' on gender.

Like men are supposed to be 'tough' (and at least slightly barbaric, apparently)
And women are supposed to like pink, and flowers, and things that smell good... WHY?? I don't see how this has -anything- to do with physical gender. There may or may not be biological tendency toward these things, in -some people-, which is just fine. But it is not an inherent -rule- of gender.
The fact that people actually expect these things from every individual example of specific gender, is purely a sociological construct.
I think sex with pans should be against the law. Pots maybe, but never pans. Some people have way too much time on their hands who sit around and think up tredy new labels.
:laugh2: Yeah, I concur. Thanks for the laugh, Chase.
"Pansexual" is a term mostly used by "sexually liberated" pagans. Within the gay community, there are the "Radical Faeries," who seek to enrich their own journey with human-bonding experiences. Pansexual, I was told, took its concept from Pan, an ancient Greek god who was half man and half faun. Christian tradition has adopted, through many pictorials, of Satan appearing like that.

The practical side of me says that the word really means, "It's Saturday and I've increased my chances of getting laid tonight!"

The idealistic side of me wonders at the possibility of being gender and sex-blind. Pansexuality aspires to allow spiritual/emotional bonding between humans that transcends the physical. Is that what Heaven is like?

I'm a bit surprised that pansexuality is now in a public forum. I'd never thought SkullChick to be "hardcore" like these wacky Radical Faeries (bless their hearts). I find it exciting that there is someone, like SkullChick, who's not afraid to examine and marvel at all aspects of spiritual human sexuality.
"Pansexual" is a term mostly used by "sexually liberated" pagans. Within the gay community, there are the "Radical Faeries," who seek to enrich their own journey with human-bonding experiences. Pansexual, I was told, took its concept from Pan, an ancient Greek god who was half man and half faun. Christian tradition has adopted, through many pictorials, of Satan appearing like that.

The practical side of me says that the word really means, "It's Saturday and I've increased my chances of getting laid tonight!"

The idealistic side of me wonders at the possibility of being gender and sex-blind. Pansexuality aspires to allow spiritual/emotional bonding between humans that transcends the physical. Is that what Heaven is like?

I'm a bit surprised that pansexuality is now in a public forum. I'd never thought SkullChick to be "hardcore" like these wacky Radical Faeries (bless their hearts). I find it exciting that there is someone, like SkullChick, who's not afraid to examine and marvel at all aspects of spiritual human sexuality.

Yes, it is quite interesting.
And just to clarify (since I noticed the original poster made a distinction)
I personally do not distinguish gender and sex, they are synonymous to me (by definition), except one is also used in an idiom (having sex).

However, I am not challenging the distinction the original poster makes, I just come to that conclusion in a different way (biological gender vs social gender identity)
I recently found out a new term "pansexual" I thought to share with you guys.
Its basically like bi-sexual but its for gender not sex only (sex is biological identity like born female) and gender is what you considered yourself as. Like transgendered, etc.
So pansexual is you're attracted in any gender but of course you have preference like only FTM, female, and male but not MTF, or other way around, or whatever combo it is.
Anyone out there that's pansexual?

So, are you pansexual? D:
I've known straight women to really be into lesbian porn, :eek:

And I've known lesbian women who were extremely conservative to the point that they were thought to be straight as a board.

And Genderfuck adequately describes the appearence of a certain co-worker whose name I will not publish. But I will say this - I get disgusted everytime I see this person. They have a beard AND boobs!
I think the gender-labeling and sexual identity thing is getting out of hand. It does seem to me that people are trying to come up with new labels so that they can become part of a unique bunch. But that only complicates things as whole. :(
I think the gender-labeling and sexual identity thing is getting out of hand. It does seem to me that people are trying to come up with new labels so that they can become part of a unique bunch. But that only complicates things as whole. :(

Yea, I don't think that is the case with this one though. Though I think it is more because some people don't quite identify with any that are out there. I mean, why use an existing label on yourself if the implied meaning does not fit you well enough?

Like if I were to say I am Bisexual, that might give people the impression I am into threesomes (which I'm not) or that I have even dated a woman before (which I haven't). I have a BF right now and he is the one and only person I am with, and first and only that I have -been- with.
Pansexual, I was told, took its concept from Pan, an ancient Greek god who was half man and half faun. Christian tradition has adopted, through many pictorials, of Satan appearing like that.

Wokamuka, whoever told you about the etymology of "pansexual" was most likely trying for whimsy, with a dash of anti-Christian wishful thinking.

According to Wesbster, the term dates back to its 1926 uses in psychological papers, later in texts.

It means "exhibiting or implying many forms of sexual expression" and the prefix comes from the combining form meaning "all," "every," and "universal" as in panchromatic (all or most of the colors) and panacea (a remedy or cure for every disease).
If you consider Christian tradition to be wishful thinking, sure, I guess. I'm not going to delve into the obvious distinction between goat and sheep and I'm, certainly, not going to be drawn into a religious debate.

If you'd read carefully, my friend was talking about the concept; not etymology.

It is not suprising that some who are pansexual would adopt the greek god, Pan. There are those who combine their own sexuality with spirituality and find Pan to be a fitting symbol. Anti-Christian? If you need to believe that, whatever floats your boat.
If you consider Christian tradition to be wishful thinking, sure, I guess. I'm not going to delve into the obvious distinction between goat and sheep and I'm, certainly, not going to be drawn into a religious debate.

If you'd read carefully, my friend was talking about the concept; not etymology.

It is not suprising that some who are pansexual would adopt the greek god, Pan. There are those who combine their own sexuality with spirituality and find Pan to be a fitting symbol. Anti-Christian? If you need to believe that, whatever floats your boat.

Twisting words, as usual. Wasn't me who brought up the Christian idea of Pan as Satan as a completely wrong assertion. It was your friend. Wasn't me who said the word "took its concept from Pan." I was only pointing your friend didn't bother to research past his or her own imagination before spouting off.

Don't feel bad; it's a common malady.