Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Well, i dont understand why anybody in here are using the
word "spayed"...its for animals Reba said.
Spayed is for female animals and the word "neutered is
for male animals. oh well....:dunno:

Yes, but we ARE animals! We're not plants anyway

I just prefere the term spay because it sounds far less awful then saying steralise which is the term specifically for humans. I just don't see anything awful about preventing unwanted babies, WITHOUT murdering the unborn child.
Suppose, if anyone of you don't want a baby in the near future and want to be sterlized without experiencin' a parenthood, then you could adopt unwanted children...if, you decide wantin' to have a family of your own. There are many unwanted children out there...BUT, it sucks if, you've never experienced bein' a " parent " first through lovemakin' to create a child of your own. Yeah, I can understand there's always an issues...but, it would be nice to experience somethin' w/ your own blood and flesh rather than killin'. Because for one, you never know that your future child could be a president or a famous computer wiz or poet and so on... maybe, a pianist ( piano ) ? You never know it may worth your life.

If, it were me that I happen get pregnant, I would keep this child ! :)
:laugh2: U are so funni!
yeah, thats true, it dont feel so natural with the
stupid ole condom..(thats what hubby says too! :giggle:)
I know what u saying about BC, is unreliable as some women
says that it is possible to get preggy anyways...eeeks. But if it
works to prevent pregnancy and no side effects then good. But
some other women have to rely other methods. I know a lot of women
who decide they have enough kids usually have their tubes tied or
their hubbys have vacetomies (sp?) Thats a gooood birth control!!!

How about hysterectomy?

If I'm woman and not wish to have child then I will get hysterectomy because no more preggy and no more period, fuck to condom and BC pills.

My mother got hysterectomy in 2004 and she's great with surgery.
Hysterectomy is very very serious thing,

total hysterectomy consist of removal of uterus and cervix, partial of uterus only. There is also radical hysterectomy that involves even more female parts.

For pregnancy prevention it's like removing testicles in a man.

Hysterectomy is very very serious thing,

total hysterectomy consist of removal of uterus and cervix, partial of uterus only. There is also radical hysterectomy that involves even more female parts.

For pregnancy prevention it's like removing testicles in a man.


Welcome back to AD...

I haven't seen you for long time, also remember me from CI section.
that's a pretty dramatic measure to prevent pregnancy- for someone who is 100% sure they'll never want children, simple coils can be inserted (almost) painlessly at a gyn. they're too small to feel/notice, but over a period of months will result in scar tissue growing around them, hence preventing sperm from ever getting far enough. :P
First of all is WELCOME BACK... :hug:

Hysterectomy is very very serious thing,

total hysterectomy consist of removal of uterus and cervix, partial of uterus only. There is also radical hysterectomy that involves even more female parts.

For pregnancy prevention it's like removing testicles in a man.


Yes I compare the cons and pros over hysterecotomy and saw most of bad than good advantage.

It could reduce sexual desire after hysterectomy and need pill for hormones replacement rest of life.

Hormones replacement pill could cause breast cancer as well.

I prefer not do that.
Suppose, if anyone of you don't want a baby in the near future and want to be sterlized without experiencin' a parenthood, then you could adopt unwanted children...if, you decide wantin' to have a family of your own. There are many unwanted children out there...BUT, it sucks if, you've never experienced bein' a " parent " first through lovemakin' to create a child of your own. Yeah, I can understand there's always an issues...but, it would be nice to experience somethin' w/ your own blood and flesh rather than killin'. Because for one, you never know that your future child could be a president or a famous computer wiz or poet and so on... maybe, a pianist ( piano ) ? You never know it may worth your life.

If, it were me that I happen get pregnant, I would keep this child ! :)

Yes I know what you mean. It's really up to the people either they want to have babies or not.

I :applause: the people for make their right decision either they want to have babies or not because they know it's responsibly to take care of baby, not just want a baby because they want to be "parent" or consider baby as toy or whatever. Understand what I mean.
Yes I know what you mean. It's really up to the people either they want to have babies or not.

I :applause: the people for make their right decision either they want to have babies or not because they know it's responsibly to take care of baby, not just want a baby because they want to be "parent" or consider baby as toy or whatever. Understand what I mean.

Yeah, those parents who just want a children for fun are plain stupid.
Yeah, those parents who just want a children for fun are plain stupid.

Exactly... look at children abuse... because they thought it's easy job to bring the children up which it's not.

They should think TWICE either they really want to have a baby or not before plan to create a baby, not just because they want "young" parents or whatever.
Yes, but we ARE animals! We're not plants anyway

I just prefere the term spay because it sounds far less awful then saying steralise which is the term specifically for humans. I just don't see anything awful about preventing unwanted babies, WITHOUT murdering the unborn child.

Huh? all im saying that the word "spayed" is for animals,
same for the word "neutered". Spayed is for female animals
and neutered is for male animals. We are NOT animals. We
are human.
I agree that abortion is wrong but there are others who think
otherwise. But they are entitled to their opinions.
Hysterectomy? for Birth control? oh no! No doctor will
perform it for BC, its a serious type of surgery and the
docs perform it because of certain types of problems
or diseases like cancer, dropped uterus, or whatever.

Some couples will have other means of BC, like vasectiomies
(males) or women will have their tubes tied, but this is
permanent for women,i think. Some vasectomies can be reversed
though. I think these are the best solutions for BC.
Suppose, if anyone of you don't want a baby in the near future and want to be sterlized without experiencin' a parenthood, then you could adopt unwanted children...if, you decide wantin' to have a family of your own. There are many unwanted children out there...BUT, it sucks if, you've never experienced bein' a " parent " first through lovemakin' to create a child of your own. Yeah, I can understand there's always an issues...but, it would be nice to experience somethin' w/ your own blood and flesh rather than killin'. Because for one, you never know that your future child could be a president or a famous computer wiz or poet and so on... maybe, a pianist ( piano ) ? You never know it may worth your life.

If, it were me that I happen get pregnant, I would keep this child ! :)

I agree wholeheartly!! Just never know how your baby would turn out in
the future!!
I saw on TV that this couple had a 3 year old child that is a whiz at
a piano and they have no idea where that talent came from!! They
were just so amazed! This little boy can play anything, never had a lesson
in his life, no one in their families can play piano or nothing! Its just a
God given gift!
Huh? all im saying that the word "spayed" is for animals,
same for the word "neutered". Spayed is for female animals
and neutered is for male animals. We are NOT animals. We
are human.
I agree that abortion is wrong but there are others who think
otherwise. But they are entitled to their opinions.

No, you are wrong.

Human is part of animal, of course.
Human - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mammal is just other word for animal then we are animal.
No, you are wrong.

Human is part of animal, of course.
Human - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mammal is just other word for animal then we are animal.

I disagree with ya. Human is NOT part of animal or fully animal. We don't call humans " spayed ". That's different.

For animals, we call " spayed " or " neutered ". For humans, we call " tubal liagation " ( sterlization ) or " tubes tied " for women and " vasectomy " ( sp ? ) for men.
Ok, everyone who think humans are not animals, then why humans have heart, brain, eyes, nose, blood, penis, vagina, breast, hairs, lungs, skin, everything just like the animals do?

Can you explain to me why humans are not animals? Just because we are smarter than them? All of living things are organism. Human, sea animals, land animals, insects, plants, all of living things are ORGANISM, and we are no different than any of them.
I agree wholeheartly!! Just never know how your baby would turn out in
the future!!
I saw on TV that this couple had a 3 year old child that is a whiz at
a piano and they have no idea where that talent came from!! They
were just so amazed! This little boy can play anything, never had a lesson
in his life, no one in their families can play piano or nothing! Its just a
God given gift!

Yep, I believe that every child is God given gift for their talents. Children are precious! And, even unborn babies, too. Life is a gift, not choice. ;)
Ok, everyone who think humans are not animals, then why humans have heart, brain, eyes, nose, blood, penis, vagina, breast, hairs, lungs, skin, everything just like the animals do?

Hahaha Yeah, right. But, they don't talk like humans do or even know how to do things with hands. Animals just eat, sleep and potty -- that's all they ever do. :lol: That's why it is different from humans.

Can you explain to me why humans are not animals? Just because we are smarter than them? All of living things are organism. Human, sea animals, land animals, insects, plants, all of living things are ORGANISM, and we are no different than any of them.

Can animals invent many things like people do ? Who invented houses, cars, computers, and all that ? Animals invented those things ? Nah. I am sure you understand what I talk about. :)
Hysterectomy? for Birth control? oh no! No doctor will
perform it for BC, its a serious type of surgery and the
docs perform it because of certain types of problems
or diseases like cancer, dropped uterus, or whatever.

Some couples will have other means of BC, like vasectiomies
(males) or women will have their tubes tied, but this is
permanent for women,i think. Some vasectomies can be reversed
though. I think these are the best solutions for BC.

I met many women and men who has hysterectomy. They have no problem and they have a wonderful relationship. But there are two different part of it, one is tied, they can untie it either men and women and other they use laser for their final decision not to have anymore child, but as for tied, can untie it to reconsider to have another child. I want other child, but my ex wife doesn't want it, doctor ask her if she want it tie if she change her mind want another child, but my ex wife doesn't want it and made her final decision, I wouldn't argue with her, I told her that its lot better than abortion and she agree 100 percent, so got it lased. Does it change between us after been lasered? No. The way I see, trying very hard to find and look for the negative to get a way with murder/abortion to lead that excuses. It's too overpower with this. That is the reason why as I look at both side argument, pro-life I agree.