What are you doing right now?

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Just ate another bowl of home-made soup...was up so late last night with "boo-hoo" company....
Breaking up is hard to do!....
I'm so jelly!!!! Tonight!! Okay, here's what I want to happen. I want Jesse to kill Walter. Yup I said it, he's such an ass and has completely f'd Jesse so many times!!!

It is weird that Walter is still alive in 6th season. I thought dr said his cancer is inoperable? :confused: I'm on 2nd episode of 1st season. I still have a long way to go.

I'm watching the long awaited final season of Breaking Bad that Netflix finally got and I'm already addicted again. Man, I swear, that show gets better and better by each episode! Best show ever made!

*To the theme of mighty mouse*

Here I come to wreck the day! :P

Just kidding, but it is tempting since I've watched the entire series straight through, caught up just in time to watch the last two episodes air. :shock:
*To the theme of mighty mouse*

Here I come to wreck the day! :P

Just kidding, but it is tempting since I've watched the entire series straight through, caught up just in time to watch the last two episodes air. :shock:

No spoilers!!!

I don't know who you are. But I'll find you, and I'll kill you

I am trying to get a better understanding of how Purple's SmartVP works, as I may be able to get that installed in my room if it's possible.
Wowsers. Seems lke setting up a SmartVP isn't that hard to do, but I'll have to wait a while, though.
Lol not that kind of reference. It was a quote from a movie, a quote that's been made into 50 million memes wait I'll find one
No spoilers!!!

I don't know who you are. But I'll find you, and I'll kill you


I've been waiting for months for you to see that UGH watch it already!!! :P Hurry up I want to see your reaction when ..... LOL thought I was gonna spoil it huh?? :P
Talked to the kiddos, my daughter hasn't watched much, but my son has watched up to the the final season so we're going to do a Breaking Bad marathon this weekend. :D so we can watch it together
I've waited this long I guess a few more days won't hurt :P Don't want to tick you off you'd whoop my arse seeing as how you can bench press a Buick ;)
I don't know that you were originally from Russia.

What does Russia have to do with my post? LOL.

I've waited this long I guess a few more days won't hurt :P Don't want to tick you off you'd whoop my arse seeing as how you can bench press a Buick ;)

She can't bench press a real Buick, but she can barely bench press a Hot Wheels truck. Hahahaha.
What does Russia have to do with my post? LOL.

Maybe because they're judgmental twats? maybe? :D

She can't bench press a real Buick, but she can barely bench press a Hot Wheels truck. Hahahaha.

:ty: Captain Obvious. What is with you and taking everything so literally? Seriously duh dude. He's exaggerating, because I do do some lifting, and I'm a massage therapist, I'm surprisingly strong as hell. I have a couple pics posted in the lifestyle section in an exercise thread. My guns, they're not crazy big, but I might hurt you with that hot wheels truck.

This is what happens when you butt into someone's conversation when you don't know them, or what they're talking about. just heads up.

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:ty: Captain Obvious. What is with you and taking everything so literally? Seriously duh dude. He's exaggerating, because I do do some lifting, and I'm a massage therapist, I'm surprisingly strong as hell. I have a couple pics posted in the lifestyle section in an exercise thread. My guns, they're not crazy big, but I might hurt you with that hot wheels truck.

This is what happens when you butt into someone's conversation when you don't know them, or what they're talking about. just heads up.


WOW Amber I am impressed. I want to look like that. You can tell you work out hard. You quit smoking too right? Keep it up so you can have a healthy, strong, body as you get older.
Thanks Angel! :D I'm proud of those guns I whip em out all the time hahaha I'll admit I have a case of little man's disease......I think that's why I've had a few "guy" jobs in the past.

I did quit smoking :) I have plans to be a cougar later in life ;)

Wait, I need a lot of $$ for that right :D
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