What are you doing right now?

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Eating a peanut butter sandwich and drinking coffee....before I get outside and plant some flowers in the ground...80 degrees today!...whoooopie-do!...Doggie needs a bath...ceiling fans need cleaning....lots to do...am tired just thinking about it all....
:laugh2: I don't think I have to see a doctor when I'm a P.A. :P There's a bug going around this area as of lately, starts with sore throat and moves into that plus coughing, stuffy nose and headaches with a lower end fever. It will go away soon enough. I never get sick ever... So when I do, it's a kick in the butt! Last time I was sick was maybe a year and a half or two ago? :hmm:

Sometimes I might say..."I'm not feeling too well today"...and people say...."Did you go to the doctor?"....Irritating sometimes...because everybody has their off days...I will know if I've got to see a doctor or not...but I'm not about running to the doctor for every "little thing"....colds & flu come and go....I haven't had one in a very long time....wash my hand often, especially when I'm out and about...and use wipes at the grocery store (a must!) for those nasty Carts....Avoid hacking and sneezing people too....
My doggie has had a bath...now wants to go outside and wallow in the dirt....no way!....I keep telling her...that's not "lady-like"....Next up....ceiling fans....very dusty.....Seems Spring is in the air!
Getting ready for bed soon. Have to move dog and crate to the bedroom.
avoiding studying for my math test tomorrow... slowly uploading more videos to my youtube channel.
I'm going bed now so good night to all of you.

Hopefully, I will find funny discussion in next morning. :D
Getting ready for work, it's casual Friday - love my jeans baby! :P
Wondering how the heck I'm gonna explain to property management about broken glass and a cut knee. Might as well as kick me out for being careless.
Getting ready to work so I can pay taxes to support people who are too lazy to find work.
lol i DONT think it'd be real, i mean think about it, after 10 takes he wouldnt even be standing up LOL

its be most likely iced tea or a very watered down coke
also guzzling a whisky like that would actually kill you
I am on disability for multiple things, so I can't work. I am however trying hard to put together a work at home kind of thing for the service dog community for additional help in funds. Hubby is working 2 jobs against doctor's orders, but will soon be not working. That will be after we move. Son has been trying to find work and with the job market around here, he can't find a thing. Not even fast food.
I am on disability for multiple things, so I can't work. I am however trying hard to put together a work at home kind of thing for the service dog community for additional help in funds. Hubby is working 2 jobs against doctor's orders, but will soon be not working. That will be after we move. Son has been trying to find work and with the job market around here, he can't find a thing. Not even fast food.

Thank for sharing. I think that pet community in general would use a lot of help with funding. Anything that can bring in more funding is great.
eating lunch. spent 90 minutes pouring over a math test and BLAH I hated the test, don't know how I did and don't want to know either haha. urgh.
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