Doom 3

Yeah, Doom3 is fucking awesome but, it has a max players for only 4. I'll buy the Half Life2, Tribes: Venagence, Call of Duty expansion pack, and The Sim2, DS Nintendo. This doom3 has a fucking good storyline and it was making me to scare when I saw those monsters was spawn. I can beat the rocketmen if there is two rocketmen or more then, I can try to shoot them out by my BG. :rl:
seems that Doom 3 is a mix between Resident Evil and Silent
I just got doom 3. but need key code for it to work. My friend forgot to give it to me.. he gave me the game.. so.. Ive been bugging him. He hasnt given to me. what do I do???
o0obluemoon0o0 said:
I just got doom 3. but need key code for it to work. My friend forgot to give it to me.. he gave me the game.. so.. Ive been bugging him. He hasnt given to me. what do I do???
If your purchased the game yourself, it should work. It's usually on the back of the CD case. If it's not your purchased copy, then my best suggestion is to bug your friend about it. :thumb:
speaking of key codes, I haven't played Doom 3 yet but does it have key cards like the two previous doom titles? you know...the red, the blue, and the yellow key cards...does Doom 3 still have those or is it totally different now?
Steel said:
speaking of key codes, I haven't played Doom 3 yet but does it have key cards like the two previous doom titles? you know...the red, the blue, and the yellow key cards...does Doom 3 still have those or is it totally different now?
Yes & No...

It's called something differently now. They don't use anything like red, yellow, or blue. They now use PDAs. Yes, it's like our modern personal digital assistant. Only this time, they're advanced and can store videos, audios, emails, and passkeys. Throughout the game, you'll come across these PDAs laying around. Once you pick them up, you have access to whatever is on them. Suppose, there was a door way that required a specific passkey... you would have to find that PDA that contains that specific passkey. They're usually found laying around, but I think you can get some from fallen soldiers or scientists... not sure. Some doors don't require passkeys, but combinations. You might have to listen to specific audio files on the PDAs to find the combination. That's the annoying and disappointing part. We're deaf so it becomes a hassle to have to try to listen to those damn things. A friend of mine found a website that lists all the combinations to specific lockers, storages, doors, etc. He uses that whenever he gets to a keypad asking for a combination.
I am having plm with doom 3. I installed all 3 cds and tried to play it, it keep telling me "please insert doom 3 disk 1 select ok and restart the application" I did that. and it keep repeating same thing. help please.
It's proably your computer that isn't powerful enough to play Doom 3 or something like that...I dunno just an opinon
Here's what Eric, the creator of "Loserz" say about Doom 3...

"Jesus Christ. So last night I'm playing Doom 3, and I'm getting fairly good at this point. Even when I'm forced to shoot blind in the bleak darkness at horrors unseen my aim has become fairly sure. I reach this point where I have to activate a ladder, you know, to climb up. No sooner do I hit the button than some hideous little spider creatures slink up out of the floor and hiss menacingly at me. I do what any good marine does in the face of Hell's ravenous minions and I start blowing the fuckers away. Oh, one good shotgun shot puts them down. Haha! Oh this is fun! It's like skeet shooting.
Then I have to reload. I realize that I've blown away many of these creatures and more of them are only coming. So fine, I've reloaded in combat before, no problem. I start pounding shells back into my expended shotgun, and that's when they strike. A swarm of these fuckers surrounds me! They begin leaping at me one after the other in rapid succession ripping flesh from my body as I desperately try to pack rounds back into my gun, and I look over, and that ladder I called for still hasn't risen! I finally finish reloading and start blowing away the little skull spiders but I'm now hurting bad, and every time I shoot one, another behind me moves in for the kill.

Still no ladder. I run for the health station and rapidly click it as fiercely as I can and whip around to fight the monstrosities some more. They don't stop coming! They're everywhere! I see movement at the side of the screen! The ladder! My blessed 15-step savior!

I run screaming like a little girl, in a pink frilly dress and saddle shoes, with perky pigtails in my curly golden locks, clutching a pink bear named "Woobsy". I run for the ladder and dash up it as fast as I can while the slavering horde of spider-skulls hisses menacing below me. For once I don't think of anything but escape. I will not be searching corners for ammo and health-packs. I will not be pacing myself to be sure the next imp doesn't catch me off guard. I see an elevator and I dash for it, slamming the control panel to close the door behind me and end the level. And then, I can breathe again.

God that game rocks."
ahh yea, I just got doom 3 a week ago. I was pretty impressed with the game however the game gets little too repeative and i get tired of dark sometimes. All to each opinion i guess. Aside from those the game does rock. :devil:
VamPyroX said:
Yes & No...

It's called something differently now. They don't use anything like red, yellow, or blue. They now use PDAs. Yes, it's like our modern personal digital assistant. Only this time, they're advanced and can store videos, audios, emails, and passkeys. Throughout the game, you'll come across these PDAs laying around. Once you pick them up, you have access to whatever is on them. Suppose, there was a door way that required a specific passkey... you would have to find that PDA that contains that specific passkey. They're usually found laying around, but I think you can get some from fallen soldiers or scientists... not sure. Some doors don't require passkeys, but combinations. You might have to listen to specific audio files on the PDAs to find the combination. That's the annoying and disappointing part. We're deaf so it becomes a hassle to have to try to listen to those damn things. A friend of mine found a website that lists all the combinations to specific lockers, storages, doors, etc. He uses that whenever he gets to a keypad asking for a combination.
Yeah, He's right.
Seeing my friend play Doom 3 brought back some memories of the original series. So, this weekend... I'll be cleaning dust from my classic CDs and installing the original Doom games to my computer. Boy, those games hardly took up any memory! I'm gonna play the game many times... first in original mode, then modified modes such as Barney mode, Simpsons mode, etc.
Sell Doom 3?

Should I selling Doom 3? I have GeForce 5200 but doesnt good running with Doom 3, I dunno why. sell it or save it for new computer or rid of it and save money for Doom 3 on Xbox relase Oct 1?
Well, I guess there is no hope for subtitles in Doom 3. Customer Support at Activision are assholes, they keep saying "we can't give information about releases or patches." I say, you can't give me a direct answer can you?" They will never make a mod or patch to put subtitles in the game, they have their heads far up their asses. Maybe someone else will make a mod to put subtitles in Doom 3 that will WORK with Windows Vista Home Premium. The rdkb design [CC] doesn't work for me on any version of Doom 3 because I have Vista.
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Well, I guess there is no hope for subtitles in Doom 3. Customer Support for EA are assholes, they keep saying "we can't give information about releases or patches." I say, you can't give me a direct answer can you?" They will never make a mod or patch to put subtitles in the game, they have their heads far up their asses. Maybe someone else will make a mod to put subtitles in Doom 3 that will WORK with Windows Vista Home Premium. The rdkb design [CC] doesn't work for me on any version of Doom 3 because I have Vista.

Doom 3 is published by Activision, not EA.
Wow, old thread!
I was wondering what was new about Doom 3 now. Or Doom 4 was in the works (no way!) ;)

JHuschke, there's a site that has all the transcriptions and captioning for Doom 3. Granted, it's not a modification ingame, but it has everything you want to read on there.
Welcome to Doom3[CC]

If you want to take it up with someone, take it up with ID software personally. But Doom 3 is 5 years old, that's probably why there aren't any subtitles. It was low-key at that time.

Games nowadays seem to come with subtitles much more frequently. I think it's due to the fact that they start releasing internationally, so it's handy to have the extra subtitles available in other countries to cheapen the need for audio dubs.
I hope for new Doom 4 that allow us to experience the pain by claw or shot us. :)