Interpreters and Linguistic Human Rights

Journey, that was a powerful and important article, :ty: for putting that link up-
total bullshit, its really up to Deaf people to perserve our own sign language, interpreters will only do a tiny bit to make is used bit more widely...
I guess what I got from it was the importance of having Deaf people act as leads for language preservation in the community, which includes the interpreters.
total bullshit, its really up to Deaf people to perserve our own sign language, interpreters will only do a tiny bit to make is used bit more widely...

I'm not exactly sure what you feel is total bullshit about the article. Care to elaborate?
I appreciate what interpreters are doing to preserve ASL, but interpreters cannot do it alone.

Ok, see, what if everyone stops buying bikes? Then I cannot make bike parts nor will I offer bikes.

Same thing here. If deaf people stops using ASL, then interpreters will not be needed.

Again, I appreciate those that interprets and view ASL as a beautiful language, but interpreters can only do so much.
That's true Derek and I believe the general message of the article agrees. It does not say that interpreters are soley responsible for preserving ASL but focuses on how interpeters can better assist in it's preservation.
Journey, that was a powerful and important article, :ty: for putting that link up-

I thought it was very thought-provoking (for me at least). What really struck me was the phrase, "Language belongs to the indigenous people". One phrase says so much.
I thought it was very thought-provoking (for me at least). What really struck me was the phrase, "Language belongs to the indigenous people". One phrase says so much.

That is actually true, but even the author addresses Grummer's concern and sees the problem in her own article.

What Role, if any, Interpreters Have to Play in the Preservation of ASL?

The question itself raises brows among my Deaf friends and colleagues. When I mention language preservation and interpreters in the same sentence I see their discomfort, a concern that this discussion could usher in the next wave of experts, of well intended “linguistic rescuers” and do even more damage, becoming yet one more blotch on the ‘structural canvas of colonization’. Given the Deaf community’s history in the struggle for linguistic rights, it’s a valid concern, one I share.
That is actually true, but even the author addresses Grummer's concern and sees the problem in her own article.

Ah ok, thank you Bottesini, I now understand where his response came from :). Yet, I felt the rest of the article spoke to how interpreters could successfully help with preservation without the risk of 'more damage' . It's not about interpreters being torchbearers, it is about encouraging interpreters to connect the deaf and their families to their history, roots and ASL 'family' (in practical ways).

"Our place in this story of preservation is about providing a map to lead people home. Leading deaf children to their elders, leading hearing parents to a thriving community that welcomes them and leading ourselves to a more compassionate place."
thanks Botti, and yeah I dont really want to get into arguements mainly because very little has been done by the Deaf Community to do something about it on their own, that is; Deaf people lacks drives to this it, and moreso by large the tread is misguided by professionalism shit, like teaching, interpreting, linguists nosy-in, but what really have they done for Deaf, you'd expect them to be up on front-line in the batter against CI's and the likes to back up Deaf community's wants for ASL/BSL/FSL/Auslan? and what have you (those sign languages with an inherently Deaf language structure (ie not English) but nope Linguists just want to meddle and make their own "stamp books" if you will. its just a bloody big fucking waste of time.
but sadly , it seems deaf community are intimated by all this techicality and all and thus they prefer to take the back seat....tsk tsk tsk , its not good at all...

..and that's ALL I am going to say here in this thread, im not even going to bother reply to further querys or feedback or comments...
because really, I know .. "I'd lose the arguement - mainly because there is NOTHING out there NOTHING!!, so it's like id have Nothing to back up my view"
It is really that bad, yes its very bad. Deafhood was a good idea and sadly I think Paddy ladd needs a good more kick in the bum to do more work...and Deaf people really should think long and hard about all this and really try add in to Deafhood, but nope, it all boils down to LACK OF POLITICAL DRIVE...


I said my bit, and I refuse to comment further, simply because Id be 'talking' to Brick walls...duh


Peace Out...
I appreciate you saying what was on your mind Grummer - I try and learn a little from everyone.