Happy Meal Banned

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Let's the parents decide with their wallets instead of looney local govt acting as the ultimate nanny if it's healthy and nutritious.

Happy Meals :: McDonalds.com

You didn't answer my question. Avoidance much?

Your link did not provide any information on the actual ingredients of those meals. Rather useless link.
If the government was going to get serious about banning unhealthy things, why do they subsidize tobacco? Also, the list of unhealthy food offerings is too long to list in one day. Happy Meals? Why just these? Almost everything at McD's is bad for you. They have salads, but I don't see them flying off the counters. We could look at pizzas with cheese-like substances injected into the crust. How about the triple-stacked burgers?

Well, time to have my stirfry lunch!
nothing food of mcdonald is healthy. it is CRAPS food wth fatty, calorie, artifical ingredient. also i hearing that mcdonald chicken nugget not 100% chicken. they not real food!!! most american lazy cooking real food so they choosing fast food like mcdonald.
nothing food of mcdonald is healthy. it is CRAPS food wth fatty, calorie, artifical ingredient. also i hearing that mcdonald chicken nugget not 100% chicken. they not real food!!! most american lazy cooking real food so they choosing fast food like mcdonald.

See, you didn't need the government to tell ya. :)
See, you didn't need the government to tell ya. :)

Then why the high rate of childhood obesity if parents didn't need to be told what foods are bad and what foods are good?

Seems to me they do need to be told.
Then why the high rate of childhood obesity if parents didn't need to be told what foods are bad and what foods are good?

Seems to me they do need to be told.

Maybe they should put cameras in parents kitchens too. :hmm:
Maybe they should put cameras in parents kitchens too. :hmm:

that's a big leap from banning free toys with Happy Meals to putting cameras in parents' kitchen. I didn't know you were so dramatic.

childhood obesity is putting a huge burden on healthcare spending.
i honest i am little chubby but i doesnt eating fast food is DISGUST!!!! i noticeing manys of americans is suffer obese and weight gains more than 30 year ago. bec most of them eating ARTIFICAL CRAPS food. they unaware what is inside of mcdonald food. it using weird foreign ingredient make them addicts and gains weight.

they needing be more educate about nutriton food and learning which food bad and good.
Government should shut down Lifetime Network for showing thin women eating a half gallon of ice cream after each nights break up. And don't get me started on all of those cooking shows that show how to cook a gravy covered fried meat paired with a starch and call it "comfort food". Obviously those people should be in jail. In fact any cooking show with host who has a BMI over 20 should be considered a threat to our nation.
Then why the high rate of childhood obesity if parents didn't need to be told what foods are bad and what foods are good?

Seems to me they do need to be told.

that's a big leap from banning free toys with Happy Meals to putting cameras in parents' kitchen. I didn't know you were so dramatic.

childhood obesity is putting a huge burden on healthcare spending.

Why is government getting into the parenting business?

Part of the reason for obese kids is Mom and Dad are sitting on Facebook or watching ESPN, instead of spending time outside with kids. Kids adapt similar values. Parents both work, nobody wants to cook. Everyone gets lazy. So we summon Big Brother? Hmm...

I have more issues with Lunchables and their ilk. A tiny snack laden with salt, packaged in a bunch of plastic. What does this do for the health of kids? When do we put the onus on the parent and start fining them for obese kids?
Why is government getting into the parenting business?

Part of the reason for obese kids is Mom and Dad are sitting on Facebook or watching ESPN, instead of spending time outside with kids. Kids adapt similar values. Parents both work, nobody wants to cook. Everyone gets lazy. So we summon Big Brother? Hmm...

I have more issues with Lunchables and their ilk. A tiny snack laden with salt, packaged in a bunch of plastic. What does this do for the health of kids? When do we put the onus on the parent and start fining them for obese kids?

Agreed..... Lunchables IMO are worse because they are a fraud. At least with a cheeseburger and fries you know what you are getting.

And the sodium in packaged turkey :ugh2:
Maybe they should put cameras in parents kitchens too. :hmm:

Those cameras would find more things done wrong if they were placed near the home computer or the TV room. Food is just a small part of the problem.
Those cameras would find more things done wrong if they were placed near the home computer or the TV room. Food is just a small part of the problem.

No doubt..... I jokingly told someone the other day they should raise the speed limit on residential streets now because you don't have to worry abouta child chasing a ball into your path anymore.
You didn't answer my question. Avoidance much?

Your link did not provide any information on the actual ingredients of those meals. Rather useless link.

It's an open ended question that can go in either direction. The link provide choices of meal. Want fries or apple slices? It is nutritious. It provides nutrition. It has a healthy component in a meal you can choose from. Again, let the parents decide....not YOU!
If the government was going to get serious about banning unhealthy things, why do they subsidize tobacco? Also, the list of unhealthy food offerings is too long to list in one day. Happy Meals? Why just these? Almost everything at McD's is bad for you. They have salads, but I don't see them flying off the counters. We could look at pizzas with cheese-like substances injected into the crust. How about the triple-stacked burgers?

Well, time to have my stirfry lunch!

Gonna have my pizza....bread, tomatos, onions, swiss cheese, green peppers and ham. Sounds healthy to me not to mention yummy.

Good point on the tobacco question.
Government should shut down Lifetime Network for showing thin women eating a half gallon of ice cream after each nights break up. And don't get me started on all of those cooking shows that show how to cook a gravy covered fried meat paired with a starch and call it "comfort food". Obviously those people should be in jail. In fact any cooking show with host who has a BMI over 20 should be considered a threat to our nation.

Ha ha... yes. Quite so. :lol:
It's an open ended question that can go in either direction. The link provide choices of meal. Want fries or apple slices? It is nutritious. It provides nutrition. It has a healthy component in a meal you can choose from. Again, let the parents decide....not YOU!

you're still avoiding my question which is not open- ended at all, It's a yes or no question. I asked if you really think Happy Meals are nutritious. You still haven't answered and I know why. If you said yes, you'd look like a buffoon, if you said no, you would be admitting to being wrong and you NEVER do that.

It'd be better to educate people in a variety of ways on how to make good choices when it comes to eating food. We've come a long way on being better informed about food. Still a ways to go. But nannyism isn't the key here.
I was a rebel parent when my kids were younger, I didn't drive them everywhere. Oh what a mean mom I was! I made them walk, ride their bikes, skateboard or rollerblade to get where they wanted to go. I did not drive them to school - I walked with them until the oldest was 9 or 10 and after that the walked themselves. The same was done if they wanted to go to a friend's house. We spent a lot of time walking or riding our bikes or skating. When they were little it was sometimes a struggle for them to make the longer distances but it wasn't long before I was struggling to keep up with them haha. Now they are both very active (despite the fact that they can drive wherever they want). They still walk, blade, skate, take fitness classes, golf, etc. ... and they also still enjoy a little fast food now and again. I don't think it is the fast food industry that is making our kids obese. I think the answer is much more basic. Give kids back the freedom of getting places on their own two legs.
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