Best surprise ever!!!!!!!!


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Oh my god I can cry!!! My mom text me tonight tell me SURPRISE my brother who soldier Afghanistan since April land Vancouver today, home tomorrow!!!!!!!!! I can not sleep tonight I so excite see him!!!!!
That's so awesome! That'd be something I'd do for my own brother, too! He's in the army, too. Always difficult to have your own family members sent off, I've been there already and ranted about it on AD already. Some ADers already know. :) Should handcuff him to your house somehow so he doesn't go away again!
^^^What, not enough celebration days in December for your family?
Awesome! Please tell him "thank you" from me for his service.
Yay!! I still remember the day when my little brother was deployed to Iraq... and when he came back home. :)

Glad your brother will be home and safe in time for the holidays. Best wishes to him on his wedding. Tell him I said Thank you!
That's wonderful news!!! Yay!!! Do you still have some of that Pink food left over? :giggle:
Haha just drop off all cupcakes school...nephews look so cute dress in pink lol.
Now that's what I call an awesome surprise! I hope you are able to spend the holiday season with him! :)
I not know if he go back. He live Alberta though, not here :( I think he only come here short visit on way home. His fiancé live Alberta too, they dying see each other I expect!