Your Talents?


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Curious, what are you talented in and if you have made a career out of your talents?

I am talented in interior designing and writing sarcastic comments.

I am thinking of doing something with my two talents...not sure yet.
Curious, what are you talented in and if you have made a career out of your talents?

I am talented in interior designing and writing sarcastic comments.

I am thinking of doing something with my two talents...not sure yet.

I am talented in many things - No career out of them but playing cards.
Designing stuff. Interior design, graphic design (which is what I do for a living). I have a very linear eye, I think.
I've been told that I have a way with words. I write stories,poems, and I scrapbook; they're more of a hobby than a career. Another thing that I have a talent for but that is not a career is, finding things LOL.
I always manage to find whatever my boyfriend lost :) I told him that I'm gonna start charging him :D
the search for my talent is still Work-In-Progress....*sighs*

I don't know what I'm *really* good at and can make a career out of it and still enjoy it!
My criticisms and gregarious nature. Making a good living with those characteristics.

Oh wait... You're not gonna call me 1%, aren't ya?
My criticisms and gregarious nature. Making a good living with those characteristics.

Oh wait... You're not gonna call me 1%, aren't ya?

Don't forget your redneck tendencies too, Mr. Who-Showed-Us-His-Guns :P ^_^
Writing - that is a main part of what is my life-work. I write short humorous stories similar to a columnist on the side. Seriously looking into it as a source of income. I also have a talent in organising. I design family organisers/planners (a hobby cum potential home business idea) I am also talented as a seminar 'speaker' (more my training than anything with that)
Writing - that is a main part of what is my life-work. I write short humorous stories similar to a columnist on the side. Seriously looking into it as a source of income. I also have a talent in organising. I design family organisers/planners (a hobby cum potential home business idea) I am also talented as a seminar 'speaker' (more my training than anything with that)

Ever thought about doing Nanowrimo?
I am so mad at myself for letting that stupid VR counselor making me believe that I couldnt be an interior designer. Ugh...
I was trying to aim for triple entendre...but failed...though I've made few triple entendre statements before and quadruple entendre statement once! ^_^
Writing and drawing. Back in my college days I was able to make a little bit of money working as a freelance writer for a local newspaper. I've thought about tinkering with that a bit on the side again. However, I'm not sure given my work schedule on the farm. I would have to make time to meet people for interviews and such. I have also been known to tweak other people's academic papers to help them get a higher grade. But it gets around on campus of ATU by word of mouth. I mostly go through their work and fix grammar errors, rewrite sentences or I may even change the structure of the paper for better flow of information for presentation.
I can add long strings of numbers in my head, and also calculate tax. It's my only mathematical skill.

So far I haven't found a use for it, unless someone on a really tight budget wants me to help them grocery shop. :P
You could help people budget out their finances better and make better shopping choices.