What are you thinking about?

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Its a beautiful day, stopped at the Honda dealer to service my car. I got all the attention heehee must be the wardrobe :giggle:
.. is thinking:

I need to go to a doctor. Something is wrong. O.o

I know I always had a hard time keeping my weight, but... wow... I just did a calories count of my daily meals and they're about 1,000-1,500 calories per meal. And I have about five meals a day, not including snacks. :|

Either I am more active than I am suppose to be or for some reason those don't get absorbed. I am losing weight lately. :|
Looking forward to teaching 2nd year interpreting students about DeafBlind Interpreting!!

This is a paid job and yes I enjoy what I do.
.. is thinking:

I need to go to a doctor. Something is wrong. O.o

I know I always had a hard time keeping my weight, but... wow... I just did a calories count of my daily meals and they're about 1,000-1,500 calories per meal. And I have about five meals a day, not including snacks. :|

Either I am more active than I am suppose to be or for some reason those don't get absorbed. I am losing weight lately. :|

have you heard of mcdonalds? im sure that'll make you SUPER SIZE.. in a few weeks!
Please give me your menu. I'm having a hard time getting up to 4-5k calories a day.

(And I am serious. Please PM me if you want)


Just list your base ingredients-- here's a small sample:

Mine is usually rice, and I usually make about 1-2 cups of uncooked rice per meal. A cup of rice (raw) is about 600-700 calories.

A jumbo egg is 70-90 calories.

A can of tuna is about 80-100 calories... Add up pretty fast.

A ramen package is about 600 calories...

Cereal? I usually have my milk and cereal in a 1:1 ratio... 140-160 calories per cup of milk, 200 calories per cup of cereal combined with 160 calories per cup of milk: I usually have about 3 cups of cereal and 3 cups of milk.

And I haven't even started on the ground meat and beans... or the vegetables... and oils. :|

Just list your base ingredients-- here's a small sample:

Mine is usually rice, and I usually make about 1-2 cups of uncooked rice per meal. A cup of rice (raw) is about 600-700 calories.

A jumbo egg is 70-90 calories.

A can of tuna is about 80-100 calories... Add up pretty fast.

A ramen package is about 600 calories...

Cereal? I usually have my milk and cereal in a 1:1 ratio... 150 calories per cup of milk, 200 calories per cup of cereal combined with 160 calories per cup of milk: I usually have about 3 cups of cereal and 3 cups of milk.

And I haven't even started on the ground meat and beans... or the vegetables... and oils. :|

Hmm. (Hell nos on the egg) but umm.
Rice, hmm.. Very healthy.
Those are just off the top of my head right now.

I usually try to keep the rice and beans ratio at a three to one ratio. Otherwise I either carve more carb, or carve more protein. And usually 1 cup of beans is around 600-800 calories... so 1/3 of that is...

You see - I'm trying to live an organic lifestyle. So, many of the empty calories (like ramen) goes out of the window.

Rice is a very good way to add calories.

I have already added a ton of beans in the meal plan.
I figure as much.

Usually my breakfast is rice with rice and a jumbo egg or three quail eggs. Think it's disgusting, well, a Japanese roommate introduced it to me once.

Just list your base ingredients-- here's a small sample:

Mine is usually rice, and I usually make about 1-2 cups of uncooked rice per meal. A cup of rice (raw) is about 600-700 calories.

A jumbo egg is 70-90 calories.

A can of tuna is about 80-100 calories... Add up pretty fast.

A ramen package is about 600 calories...

Cereal? I usually have my milk and cereal in a 1:1 ratio... 140-160 calories per cup of milk, 200 calories per cup of cereal combined with 160 calories per cup of milk: I usually have about 3 cups of cereal and 3 cups of milk.

And I haven't even started on the ground meat and beans... or the vegetables... and oils. :|

no wonder you're not gaining anything. It's what PFH said - empty calories. These food are very easy to digest and it just go straight to your piss/shit. What you think why Asians are notoriously thin?

Based on your previous post - I'm assuming you want to gain mass. What you're eating is impossible to achieve that goal.... which was why I stayed skinny 120lbs for several years. Just do what athletes eat. This is how I gained mass in just 6 months starting out as 120 lbs skinny rat-ass bum into 140 lbs Jiro.

I worked out at gym at night before dinner. I eat 3-4x a day.

waffles/french toast
scrambled egg
bowl of cereal
fruits (honey dew, orange, banana, etc.)


toasted bread w/ jelly
bowl of cereal
scrambled egg

salad with cole shaw
meat protein meal: steak/turkey/fish/etc. including rice cooked with sesame oil + carrots + onion + tofu
bowl of cereal (seriously)
dessert (jello/ice cream)

I go to gym for about 1-1.5 hrs. The best time to have meal is to eat it after work-out because your body will be able to metabolize the food at greater efficiency rate.

same as lunch

I did this for 3 years at Virginia Tech. I never get sick of it. In fact - when I was home during summer/winter vacation, I couldn't wait to go back to VT. Food's THAT good at VT chow hall.
I'm babysitting three boys (age 2-5) and raiding the fridge, peanut butter brittle & peppermint bark? This is a conspiracy!! *sobs unintelligibly*

I think I've worn out the boys... (or maybe it's the other way around).. and it's not even 11 am yet. Time for a movie (and lots of coffee on my behalf), pray for me O_O
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