First daughters of Obama not vacinnated against H1N1

Yeah, well, many here were harping that the Obama kids didn't need it since they didn't qualify.

Read again. No one said the Obama kids didn't need it because they didn't qualify. They said that the Obama kids hadn't gotten it yet because they didn't qualify. Sorry, egg is still on your face.:giggle:
Interesting. Mercury can accumulate in our body. Good idea to research the ingredients.

Better idea to read the research. Mercury in vaccines has already been studied extensively, including being subjected to longitudinal studies.
Yeah, well, many here were harping that the Obama kids didn't need it since they didn't qualify.

you know there's a graceful way to admit your error with just one simple word - "sorry"
I guess this thread should get :locked: since it has been debunked.
Right now, the vaccine is available only to pregnant women, child care workers, and health care workers. Pregnant women are at greater risk for complications, and in fact, there has been more than one death of a pregnant woman in the last few months from the H1N1 virus. Health care workers are at much, much greater risk for exposure than the average citizen. If the pandemic hits the health care industry, we do not have the number of workers needed to take care of the patients.

The vaccine has only been released once. The amount was less that was expected to be ready at the time of release. There will be additional batches released as they become available. Once the two groups at highest risk have been vaccinated, they will move down the line. First to elderly and young children, then to those with a medically compromising condition, then to the general public.

They are currently providing the vaccination in the State of Florida. It is being distributed by the health dept. I am getting mine this week. Since I do work in a preschool setting.

The misconception of the H1N1 vaccine is so horrible and so new..

The vaccine is the same as a normal flu shot that they give out each year.. They just added a different strain each year. So by saying that... each virus is different.. and the flu shot that people get annually are all different strains of the flu virus. Hence this one is the H1N1 strain.
Some people have some reasons for not taking H1F1 vaccine that contains mercury. The additives are one of them called Thimerosal (which is about half-mercury). Feel free to research the ingredients from drug companies that something you need to know.

While it contains mercury, it does NOT stay in your body - in fact, after getting thimerosal, your body eliminates it in just matter of weeks while other forms of mercury tend to stay for several months. There is NO proof that it is toxic in the dose given to people.

Also, despite the rise of thimerosal-free in vaccines, reported cases of autism are STILL INCREASING so it's clear that thimerosal is not to be blamed. Remember, thimerosal has been used for the past few decades and no one noticed a link because autism was not as common back then even though the amount of thimerosal was much larger back then.

What may explain for the rise of autism is the age of mother. We have more mothers having children at older age and there's a strong correlation between autism and age of mother.

So, the theory that thimerosal was responsible for autism is unproven.
Whoa, there, cowboy! Autism risk also rises with the father's age.

Autism Risk Rises With Age Of Father -

In the past, medical researches focused only on the mother's eggs. Now, research indicates that the quality of sperm also effects the child. It makes sense because both the egg and the sperm carry genetic information.
Whoa, there, cowboy! Autism risk also rises with the father's age.

Autism Risk Rises With Age Of Father -

In the past, medical researches focused only on the mother's eggs. Now, research indicates that the quality of sperm also effects the child. It makes sense because both the egg and the sperm carry genetic information.

There you go... which only makes the "vaccine causes autism" theory weaker and weaker.

All my autistic (very mild to severe) friends were products of older parents than the norm.

The mercury in vaccine theory is a hoax created by a few people who have no friggen clue about science and statistics. Courts have ruled that there's no proof therefore there's no basis for the lawsuit.
There you go... which only makes the "vaccine causes autism" theory weaker and weaker.

All my autistic (very mild to severe) friends were products of older parents than the norm.

The mercury in vaccine theory is a hoax created by a few people who have no friggen clue about science and statistics. Courts have ruled that there's no proof therefore there's no basis for the lawsuit.

Some news are still controlled by the government. It's because the FDA and others like CDC avoid the lawsuit in the future. You focus on the government for years that you missed a lot from the people like us.
Some news are still controlled by the government. It's because the FDA and others like CDC avoid the lawsuit in the future. You focus on the government for years that you missed a lot from the people like us.

Remove your tin foil hat.

You don't understand that your OWN personal experience does NOT prove anything at all. It becomes evident ONLY if other people are also having the same experience as you had and that it deviates from the "norm" in that moment.

For example, FDA approves a drug and the drug literature says, "About 10% of people will get flu like syndrome" but you see, it also says that about 10% on placebo also gets the same flu like syndrome too! So, if the placebo group gets flu, how are you going to explain for that? You can't blame it on a new drug because it happens to cause flu syndrome when in fact the placebo gets the same problem.

So, if you have an autistic child, it ain't because of the vaccine. It has NEVER been proven and history disputes it well. The problem is that parents find out about autism by the time when vaccinations are recommended for children so they put blame on vaccines. They don't understand that studies have done on children with and without vaccines and autism stayed at the same rate. I'll say over and over - there is no proof at all and all the anti-vaccine hype is based on ignorance and misinformation.
In Scandinavia, the government removed all mercury from the vaccines yet the rates of autism did not decline. Most researchers believe that there is a genetic component.

Researchers are also investigating autism "clusters" (NJ) which indicate that autism may have an environmental component. Trust me, the chemical manufacturers would rather you believe it's the vaccines than to investigate environmental toxins.
Remove your tin foil hat.

You don't understand that your OWN personal experience does NOT prove anything at all. It becomes evident ONLY if other people are also having the same experience as you had and that it deviates from the "norm" in that moment.

For example, FDA approves a drug and the drug literature says, "About 10% of people will get flu like syndrome" but you see, it also says that about 10% on placebo also gets the same flu like syndrome too! So, if the placebo group gets flu, how are you going to explain for that? You can't blame it on a new drug because it happens to cause flu syndrome when in fact the placebo gets the same problem.

So, if you have an autistic child, it ain't because of the vaccine. It has NEVER been proven and history disputes it well. The problem is that parents find out about autism by the time when vaccinations are recommended for children so they put blame on vaccines. They don't understand that studies have done on children with and without vaccines and autism stayed at the same rate. I'll say over and over - there is no proof at all and all the anti-vaccine hype is based on ignorance and misinformation.

The people that I met and they never met each other. They had firsthand to see the difference after their children got the vaccine shots. One family is from Washington, one in Massachusetts, and another one in Connecticut. They have the exact problem. At the conference, there were about 16 parents that have autism children. You cannot tell us from the news because it is done the damage that cannot undo it.

Did you get the shot? If you have a kid, does she/he get the vaccine shot?
Let wait next year to hear the announcement about overpopulation of autism children and teenagers if there is one on the news. If you still don't believe me, that's fine. I do care about the children, but I feel sorry for them that their parents don't believe autism that cause from the vaccines.

My opinion is that, maybe, every vaccine shot is not the same quality or some could be a bad chemical. You know there are thousands of vaccine bottles to be sent out from several labs, and it is impossible for someone to analyze all of them to make sure that they are safe before the people receive the shot. It's really hard to say about that.
The people that I met and they never met each other. They had firsthand to see the difference after their children got the vaccine shots. One family is from Washington, one in Massachusetts, and another one in Connecticut. They have the exact problem. At the conference, there were about 16 parents that have autism children. You cannot tell us from the news because it is done the damage that cannot undo it.

Did you get the shot? If you have a kid, does she/he get the vaccine shot?
Let wait next year to hear the announcement about overpopulation of autism children and teenagers if there is one on the news. If you still don't believe me, that's fine. I do care about the children, but I feel sorry for them that their parents don't believe autism that cause from the vaccines.

My opinion is that, maybe, every vaccine shot is not the same quality or some could be a bad chemical. You know there are thousands of vaccine bottles to be sent out from several labs, and it is impossible for someone to analyze all of them to make sure that they are safe before the people receive the shot. It's really hard to say about that.

Again, this hypothesis was investigated and researched, and found not to be supported.
Someone goofed. All people classified in CDC's priority groups are supposed to get the vaccine without much ado. So happens that there just wasn't enough to go around, ergo "National Emergency". School aged kids were supposed to get them asap when school started and in some areas by me, they did and in others, they're waiting. They're not doling out vaccines based on exact numbers of eligible people per geographic area which is why some cities have lots left over and others ran out. It is a mess.
...All my autistic (very mild to severe) friends were products of older parents than the norm.
How much older is older than the norm? Over 30 years old? I know a couple who have an autistic son but they aren't "old."
Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.
In the first place ain't noone's's a private family matter. And I don't wanna know about thier damn private affairs.
Desperatley scraping the bottom of the barrel....good grief.
who cares