Video w/transcript: Cheney not a fan of Obama

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He makes sense, folks. Undermining our national security for by playing politics is a big no no.

CHENEY: I think it's a terrible decision. President Obama made the announcement some weeks ago that this would not happen, that his administration would not go back and look at or try to prosecute CIA personnel. And the effort now is based upon the inspector general's report that was sent to the Justice Department five years ago, was completely reviewed by the Justice Department in years past.

They made decisions about whether or not there was any prosecutable offense there. They found one. It did not involve CIA personnel, it involved contract personnel. That individual was sentenced and is doing time. The matter's been dealt with the way you would expect it to be dealt with by professionals.

Now we've got a political appointee coming back, and supposedly without the approval of the president, going to do a complete review, or another complete investigation, possible prosecution of CIA personnel. We could talk the whole program about the negative consequences of that, about the terrible precedent it sets, to have agents involved, CIA personnel involved, in a difficult program that's approved by the Justice Department, approved by the National Security Council, and the Bush administration, and then when a new administration comes in, it becomes political.

They may find themselves dragged up before a grand jury, have to hire attorneys on their own because the Justice Department won't provide them with counsel.

It's a terrible, terrible precedent.

WALLACE: There are a lot of aspects that you just raised. Let me review some of them.
Why are you so concerned about the idea of one administration reviewing, investigating the actions of another one?

CHENEY: Well, you think, for example, in the intelligence arena. We ask those people to do some very difficult things. Sometimes, that put their own lives at risk. They do so at the direction of the president, and they do so with the -- in this case, we had specific legal authority from the Justice Department. And if they are now going to be subject to being investigated and prosecuted by the next administration, nobody's going to sign up for those kinds of missions.

It's a very, very devastating, I think, effect that it has on morale inside the intelligence community. If they assume that they're going to have to be dealing with the political consequences -- and it's clearly a political move. I mean, there's no other rationale for why they're doing this -- then they'll be very reluctant in the future to do that.

WALLACE: Do you think this was a political move not a law enforcement move?

CHENEY: Absolutely. I think the fact is, the Justice Department has already reviewed the inspector general's report five years ago. And now they're dragging it back up again, and Holder is going to go back and review it again, supposedly, to try to find some evidence of wrongdoing by CIA personnel.
Well I'd be surprised if he turned out to be a fan of Obama.
That monster and his people should be lock up for crime and atrocities against humanity.
My thoughts exactly. The fact that Dick Cheney isn't a fan of Obama is news?:laugh2:

Well considering that the Interrogation probe is under way, I'd not be a fan of Obama either if I were Cheny. We'll see how the probe turns out.
Well considering that the Interrogation probe is under way, I'd not be a fan of Obama either if I were Cheny. We'll see how the probe turns out.

If I were to venture a guess, I'd say that Cheney will dislike Obama even more once the probe is completed.:D
If I were to venture a guess, I'd say that Cheney will dislike Obama even more once the probe is completed.:D

LoL. Now I'd be surprised if Chenye liked him better after the probe.
Dick Cheney has a face made for a chocolate cream pie attack. Only Donald Rumsfeld had a face that was a better looking target. :giggle: Isn't it amazing that Republican/Conservative Cheney has dislike of Democrat/Liberal Obama? Oh the humanity!
Stop the presses! This is quite a newsworthy story! Cheney not a fan of Obama! What a real shocker!
Stop the presses! This is quite a newsworthy story! Cheney not a fan of Obama! What a real shocker!
Almost as newsworthy as saying the OP is not a fan of Obama.:giggle:
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