Tips for dating hearing women?


New Member
Sep 18, 2006
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:D got any?

Some women are different and maybe not worth my time but as a guy, I still try. I frankly don't know alot of deaf women, as I'm not really in the deaf community...
#1 make sure your deafness isn't an "issue." Meaning she is willing to face you while talking, repeat things, make small accommodations in general.
Actually, a lot -I find are willing to bend backward for you... as long you are not showing your inept side. Meaning don't whine about life isn't the grandest, don't whine about Deaf or hearing culture and so on.
And make damn sure you're teaching her some signs.

And of course, ensure she knows the do's and don'ts of approaching you and trying to get your attention if you happen to not be looking at her.
I don't sign much. and I dont really talk about being deaf. I would only talk about it if she asks.

I only know SEE sign language. I'm 27 and it's been a very long time since I've signed, last time was about 5 years ago when I dated a deaf woman.
Is dating hearing women will be your first?
How funny, I dating most hearing women and relationships was a longer than I had with ONE deaf girl.

None of them know sign language and I don't know how to speak well.
Tips on dating hearing women: Just be a friend first, show that you care, be kind, sincere and not too clingy. Most of all just be yourself. ;)

PowerON--You mean none of the hearing women you've dated knew sign language? Why didn't you teach them sign language? I've taught most of my hearing exes sign language, they wanted to learn. ;)
Have good communication, not just in person face to face but when you two aren't together such as texting, emails, or videophone (like viablevision for free). Know that miscommunication will happen and don't get upset over it, laugh it off. Learn from each other and have fun :)
Have good communication, not just in person face to face but when you two aren't together such as texting, emails, or videophone (like viablevision for free). Know that miscommunication will happen and don't get upset over it, laugh it off. Learn from each other and have fun :)

yeah thats a good idea with the vrs thing. I should get them to install it on their computer..:hmm:
Tips on dating hearing women: Just be a friend first, show that you care, be kind, sincere and not too clingy. Most of all just be yourself. ;)

PowerON--You mean none of the hearing women you've dated knew sign language? Why didn't you teach them sign language? I've taught most of my hearing exes sign language, they wanted to learn. ;)

They do learn later when we're in relationship.
Make sure, you jerk off before you go ahead and dating hearing woman.
A makeover to change your image--a more mature look. You avatar suggests that you're trying to look like a "bad boy." Women who are worth dating don't usually respond well to that. I suspect that there is an attractive face under that hat.
A makeover to change your image--a more mature look. You avatar suggests that you're trying to look like a "bad boy." Women who are worth dating don't usually respond well to that. I suspect that there is an attractive face under that hat.

Hmm, no, not trying. Always dressed this way. :hmm: It's not like I dont wear dress shirts and slacks, I just dress according to occasion.