Another Update *sigh*

Hi again,

Given the nature of the testing I am having, I had concerns about my congenital nystagmus and how or if it would negatively impact testing.

Here is my CI surgeon's response:

"I'm aware of the nystagmus. I'm hoping that if there is a response it will be strong enough to overcome the congenital eye movements."
After informing my CI surgeon that I'm taking Clonazepam, he told me this med helps relieve dizziness. Now I can kill 3 birds with one stone: dizziness, rapid cycling and auditory hallucinations which occur whenever I'm stressed, manic or depressed.
It just doesn't seem to get easier for you does it Lisa? Always something to make things misfire. I sure hope this new line of meds does the trick. On that note, if things don't improve, please do me a favor and see a regular MD? Just to rule out something not therapist/audi/ci surgeon related? I do worry about you. <hugs>

I saw my regular doctor a few days ago to have my thyroid checked since that can also cause problems with mood swings. The test was negative. According to my doctor, the only thing responsible for causing my rapid cycling is bipolar disorder. Aside from migraines, year round allergies, CTS, bipolar and PTSD, I'm in perfect health. Having said that, I do have a bit of good news to share. After taking a dose of Clonazepam last night, I haven't cycled all day today. That's definitely a positive sign because it means that my rapid cycling has the potential to be reduced to once or twice/day cycling which is my pdoc's treatment goal.
Thats great to hear, I do feel for you and really hope they find the solution to control your bipolar and to keep you wearing the CI's without having to feel dizzy.

:ty: Charlotte! I'll be sure to keep you updated on what I find out. I expect to hear from my audi's receptionist within the next few days to set up an appointment for further testing. I just hope the kind of testing that will be done won't cause me to feel dizzy and that any reaction I have will be limited to the eye movements my CI surgeon wants to evaluate.
Thats great to hear, I do feel for you and really hope they find the solution to control your bipolar and to keep you wearing the CI's without having to feel dizzy.


Same goes here... thanks for keeping us posted! I really want to know how things are moving a long...

<wave> JamieLynn
Same goes here... thanks for keeping us posted! I really want to know how things are moving a long...

<wave> JamieLynn

The good news is that there's a very strong possibility I may have my rapid cycling under control. Now the only thing we need to focus on is my dizziness. Once we find a cause, I will be a very happy camper! :D
The good news is that there's a very strong possibility I may have my rapid cycling under control. Now the only thing we need to focus on is my dizziness. Once we find a cause, I will be a very happy camper! :D

I'm sure you will be!!!! <giggle> I'll keep fingers crossed!!!

The good news is that there's a very strong possibility I may have my rapid cycling under control. Now the only thing we need to focus on is my dizziness. Once we find a cause, I will be a very happy camper! :D

That is great new! :D
Well blame my craziness on the one hour traffic jam I had to go through <mad>

Then again I feel sorry for the woman who got caught with her car between two trucks and is now between life and death :(


Not rapid cycling for a day and a half is like a miracle to me since I've been cycling constantly and/or manic throughout the past year and a half. I feel like I've been given my life back! :D
Well blame my craziness on the one hour traffic jam I had to go through <mad>

Then again I feel sorry for the woman who got caught with her car between two trucks and is now between life and death :(


Oh, how sad! :(

As far as traffic jams are concerned, they're enough to make anyone crazy. :dizzy: I know when I take a cab home to get to the suburbs from downtown Milwaukee, we have alot of drivers from Chicago who make our late afternoon traffic congestion worse.
HearAgain <hug> I'm so glad to hear that..I hope after the carpal surgery will be feeling more back to normal than ever , and you will be happier , something you need!!
The good news is that there's a very strong possibility I may have my rapid cycling under control. Now the only thing we need to focus on is my dizziness. Once we find a cause, I will be a very happy camper! :D

Hurrah for hear again, *raises my cup of tea* Lets hope it stays like this for your sake.

Had wonderful photo sent to me just now of my dog Boris while he was on his holiday (i was away in austria for 2 weeks that time) it looked like a demon dog, his eyes closed, teeth baring and he was running on full pelt in the snow! We don't get much snow in this country, Boris LOVES snow!! He would stay out for hours playing in it so it was like kid at christmas. He's the soppiest dog alive but that photograph made my day. His carers was wonderful with him. One of the carer is on med for depression had said that Boris had made his 2 weeks alot more bearable because he laughed so much from his silly character. I felt great that he was able to help someone in need, like me trying to be there for you (and others) despite the distance.

I have enclosed a photo perhaps someone could describe it for you but what i said probably covers it.

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