Funeral home crasher!?...



I dont know if you all ever heard of anybody pull this stunt like this
or not but i was floored when i heard this one!
We know a certain lady that whenever there is a
funeral scheduled, she will promptly walk in pretending
to be a member of a family, sitting among the family and
friends, crying with them, etc. but her main purpose is just
to get some free food that these people provide for the
mourners! What galls me is that she takes some food home
for her husband if he dont happen to come to funeral with her!!
We know her and her husband and they are not poor either.

They sure got a lot of nerve.....:eek3:
I think that is not that uncommon among some old ladies. I think partly it might be from loneliness more that need of food.
I think that is not that uncommon among some old ladies. I think partly it might be from loneliness more that need of food.

Well, maybe so with some people who are lonely but not
in this case..we know this deaf couple. They are not poor,
really. They are just greedy and tight, not wanting to go buy
groceries so they just simply "steal" food at funerals,
picnics, etc., they even "beg" for food by standing along the
curbs in front of Walmart, or whatever, holding signs saying
"need food" or something like that!
When I saw this thread's topic, I thought it's someone that would have sex after the funeral.
It happens all the time. There's almost always a "crasher" at some event.

There are funeral crashers, wedding crashers, convention crashers, etc...

I've crashed a few events on my own... but never funerals.

Yeah, it does sound distasteful. :roll:
It happens all the time. There's almost always a "crasher" at some event.

There are funeral crashers, wedding crashers, convention crashers, etc...

I've crashed a few events on my own... but never funerals.

Yeah, it does sound distasteful. :roll:

Yeah, it is disrespectful for this couple to do that..
crashing at funerals of all places..:squint:
Hmmm..that's an idea to get free food!:hmm: J/K
It's weird to go to a sorrowfully funeral just for free foods :roll:
Wow. That's rather distasteful. But I think I agree with Botts - some older people do this out of loneliness and paying respects. I even read about this in a book.
Wow. That's rather distasteful. But I think I agree with Botts - some older people do this out of loneliness and paying respects. I even read about this in a book.

Sometimes they even go to funeral homes to meet the bereaved to see if they are worth asking out on a date.
Sometimes they even go to funeral homes to meet the bereaved to see if they are worth asking out on a date.

Oh that's SO wrong! For wedding crashers, I can picture that but at a funeral? So wrong! :lol:
Oh that's SO wrong! For wedding crashers, I can picture that but at a funeral? So wrong! :lol:

Well at my grandmother's funeral, a lady showed up. We all had no idea who she was and she told us how she meet our grandmother which was total lie as grandma was overseas with us during that time.

Anyway--she asked about her husband. I said, "He's been dead since 1943!"

She stared at me for a minute, got embarrassed and walked out! :lol:
Sometimes they even go to funeral homes to meet the bereaved to see if they are worth asking out on a date.

Yeah, i understand that it could be loneliness or
looking for a date but my point of this thread is about
how brash some people are, like this deaf couple going to funerals
just to get free food, not meeting people.
What this lady (most of the time its just her) goes
to funerals, pretending to pay respect to the dead,
then gather some food and leave! That is some
gall on her part.
Eh if some idiot crashed a private function of my family, they'd be thrown out on their ass quicker than they came in!
Interesting. My wife and I went to Enfield, CT for her father's funeral. One lady who live with him which isn't married came to funeral for calling (wake). She had a gall to sit on chairs reserved for siblings of my father in law. My wife's sister was furious in quiet way. She told brother in law to escort her to other chair reserved for friends and relatives across the floor. Finally he told her in kind way and tug her to sit other chair across the floor. She was kinda upset but swallowed it cuz no one want dramatic situation. I was right behind the scene and saw everything :eek: sheesh. Disrespectful!

Some have a confidence problem and seem to get their sunshine fill by acting like a fake authority by showing up uninvited. These types are the "I can do what I damn please" sorts without any inclination to the possible consequences involved.
Interesting. My wife and I went to Enfield, CT for her father's funeral. One lady who live with him which isn't married came to funeral for calling (wake). She had a gall to sit on chairs reserved for siblings of my father in law. My wife's sister was furious in quiet way. She told brother in law to escort her to other chair reserved for friends and relatives across the floor. Finally he told her in kind way and tug her to sit other chair across the floor. She was kinda upset but swallowed it cuz no one want dramatic situation. I was right behind the scene and saw everything :eek: sheesh. Disrespectful!


Whoa! what a gall! but glad it didnt turn into a horrendous
scene! At least she was mature enough to keep quiet about it,