Free Radical going bankrupt too

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Free Radical, the same developer team who bought us the famous Goldeneye 007 back in the Nintendo 64 days, has left Rare to form their own team known as Free Radical and they were well known for Time Splitters trilogy during the last generation.

Now Free Radical's latest game that was released back in May called Haze developed exclusively for the PS3, and was rumored to be a Halo killer.

Once it was released, that game was very highly unexpected from what anyone would've thought. It was nothing but a big fat sack of utter crap. The story was poorly written, the controls were awkard and mulitplayer was so so it still did not meet the standards to what gamers have thought so it was an epic fail. They should not copy anything from Halo and trying to make it better. :roll:

Time Splitters 4 was offically announced last year, and still has no details on their pictures or release date yet and it seems that it may not be coming out anytime soon.

Confirmed: Free Radical breaks down - GameSpot Rumor Control
Damn, Haze was canceled for XBox 360 and PC. :roll:

I wasn't happy with that.

If they did released then wouldn't not bad for sales.
Damn, Haze was canceled for XBox 360 and PC. :roll:

I wasn't happy with that.

If they did released then wouldn't not bad for sales.

Trust me, you are better off without that game.

Even it wouldnt match Master Chief.