one ear dragging you down?

:popcorn: this is great!
The colour of one's hearing aid is irrelevant to its purpose.
The observation of some people in Toronto not speaking English is correct, however, they usually are not the people I might interact with- business/social areas. Different areas perhaps may have different interactions.
Why be upset if a DEAF person doesn't subscribe to the sociological term "deaf culture"? I have asked a number of persons over the years I have known if they ever heard of "deaf culture"? No. This doesn't include CHS, of course. To me ASL is communication by signs/facial expression. That is what I understand from the Introduction to Sign Communication-long time ago. Isn't that what LeClerc and others started out devising ASL? back in France a few hundred years ago? Relabeling doesn't change what it is.
Having dealt with Hearing Loss over 50 years was an "advantage" when I became "late deafened". I knew exactly what to do- thanks to CHS- to get into the Cochlear Implant programme at Sunnybrook/toronto as quickly as possible.

Advanced Bionics Harmony activated Aug/07
I think if one does not like the looks from a hearing device they are less likely to wear it as much as they would a diff coulour! but im not sure, To me It doesnt really matter to me what color teh device is as long aas it works. Got lucky to be able to match my hair color which is a plus!
A note about colors - I guess to some it is irrelevant. Some of us like to fancy up our hearing aids are purple, and my new earmolds will be purple and lime green and my last ones were pink and blue. Alicia's aids are zebra print with black/white striped molds. In my opinion, I have to wear them so why not have fun! Just like with glasses though, some choose simple and subtle and others choose funky and loud. My glasses are hot pink and bright mauve too...It matches my personality.

hey... don't forget mine... red and GLOW-IN-THE-DARK!!! :D
The colour of one's hearing aid is irrelevant to its purpose.

So is the color of your shirt, or your sofa, or your bedspread. I assume you put some thought into the colors or designs you chose for those though. My hearing aid is the same.

Why be upset if a DEAF person doesn't subscribe to the sociological term "deaf culture"? I have asked a number of persons over the years I have known if they ever heard of "deaf culture"? No.

I am not at all upset that you do not associate with or involve yourself in Deaf culture. However, it upsets me when attempt to deny the existence of my culture. I grew up in rural Ontario. If you had asked me, or most of those who I grew up with if we had heard of Islam, we would have said no. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Your argument is a logical fallacy.

To me ASL is communication by signs/facial expression. That is what I understand from the Introduction to Sign Communication-long time ago. Isn't that what LeClerc and others started out devising ASL? back in France a few hundred years ago? Relabeling doesn't change what it is.

ASL is communication through signs and facial expression. Yes, that is correct. However, that doesn't mean it isn't a language. ASL is actually one of Canada's nationally recognized languages.

ASL actually evolved from FSL. ASL is a naturally evolved language, consisting of a series of symbols which hold a static meaning, along with a syntactic structure unique from both French and English.

Really, I am not going to argue with you about ASL being a language or not. I am a linguist and it is redundant to argue with you. If you would like to spout a bunch of scientific linguistic information I am happy to, but you probably wouldn't understand it anyway.

Having dealt with Hearing Loss over 50 years was an "advantage" when I became "late deafened". I knew exactly what to do- thanks to CHS- to get into the Cochlear Implant programme at Sunnybrook/toronto as quickly as possible.

Good for you. I am glad this was the right decision for you.
I am not a linguist nor have studied how speech is "handled by our brain". What i did study was how a Cochlear Implant works, as well as Hearing Aids.Since I didn't expect to "implant myself" not concerned about the surgical process except knowing that I was in good health to survive the 2-4 hour operation- which I did.
I am not sure how the study of linguistics assists one to "deal with either hearing loss or deafness"? This is from my experience "trying to understand" the book Introduction to Language-Fromkin/Rodman- which I own. I can check with Amy Ng on Wednesday at Sunnybrook/Toronto.( my new processor will be mapped) Hopefully okay for the next 3 years.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Okay, drphil: Can you like, make a blog about your implant, with all your information (where you got it, when you got it, what doctor did it, what time you got it, etc.) in it?! Because it's SO boring to read "CHS" "Dr. Chen" "ORAL DEAF SINCE DECEMBER 06" or 07, whatever it was every post you make!

It seems to me that you want deafies to all get implants because it's "strange" that we want to use ASL and communicate with others that way. UM HELLO: Not everyone can get amazing benefits from CI, or even get the CI at ALL. It's great for you and for all my other friends who have a CI, but I don't want one and I don't think I can get one anyway! So if I want to talk or use ASL or PSE or make up my own sign language, that's up to me! Not up to you! So don't knock ASL or any other sign LANGUAGE unless you've really researched it, even tried it. Jenny wasn't saying being a linguist will help deal with deafness, she was just saying that she is qualified to say that she has studied enough about how languages work to say that YES, ASL IS A LANGUAGE!
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Okay, drphil: Can you like, make a blog about your implant, with all your information (where you got it, when you got it, what doctor did it, what time you got it, etc.) in it?! Because it's SO boring to read "CHS" "Dr. Chen" "ORAL DEAF SINCE DECEMBER 06" or 07, whatever it was every post you make!

It seems to me that you want deafies to all get implants because it's "strange" that we want to use ASL and communicate with others that way. UM HELLO: Not everyone can get amazing benefits from CI, or even get the CI at ALL. It's great for you and for all my other friends who have a CI, but I don't want one and I don't think I can get one anyway! So if I want to talk or use ASL or PSE or make up my own sign language, that's up to me! Not up to you! So don't knock ASL or any other sign LANGUAGE unless you've really researched it, even tried it. Jenny wasn't saying being a linguist will help deal with deafness, she was just saying that she is qualified to say that she has studied enough about how languages work to say that YES, ASL IS A LANGUAGE!

agreed good posting:)
I grew up with deaf grandparents, 2 deaf sisters, a deaf step-mother and a whole pasture full of uncles, aunts, cousins and friends that were born deaf or lost their hearing within the first couple of years after birth. The deafness ran predominate in the female side. My father and I had good hearing all of our life. Now, I am beginning to notice that I have a hi frequency loss at 4 k. And my wife suffered from sudden hearing loss late in life.
Having reread the entire thread- to state my humble opinion based on many classes at CHS- reading from various magazines- including VIBES/CHS-- state any ADULT can remain "real deaf-hears nothing" even with a hearing aid- if they choose. Speech/music/sound are NOT processed to one's brain. No sure what about the self defined person that uses a Hearing aid in the lexicon of "deaf" while claiming to be "cultural deaf"? Does the medical classification of not hearing at 105 decibels qualify?
Is this "political correctness" recycled to the "deaf"? Are you the "right" deaf according to the "cultural deaf crowd" etc. Welcome to "Alice in deaf land"! This being Canada perhaps everyone should study "LSQ" Langue des signes quebecoise!
Perhaps it doesn't pay to study Sociology re; In vs out groups? Does having an Cochlear Implant disqualify one to be "part of cultural deaf" even though the fact one doesn't "wish to remain in a silent world" be the very fact of getting one? That is what happens every time I disconnect my Implant-real quiet!
Interesting discussion to say the least. Smile Bill sksk (TTY stop keying)

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Having reread the entire thread- to state my humble opinion based on many classes at CHS- reading from various magazines- including VIBES/CHS-- state any ADULT can remain "real deaf-hears nothing" even with a hearing aid- if they choose. Speech/music/sound are NOT processed to one's brain. No sure what about the self defined person that uses a Hearing aid in the lexicon of "deaf" while claiming to be "cultural deaf"? Does the medical classification of not hearing at 105 decibels qualify?
Is this "political correctness" recycled to the "deaf"? Are you the "right" deaf according to the "cultural deaf crowd" etc. Welcome to "Alice in deaf land"! This being Canada perhaps everyone should study "LSQ" Langue des signes quebecoise!
Perhaps it doesn't pay to study Sociology re; In vs out groups? Does having an Cochlear Implant disqualify one to be "part of cultural deaf" even though the fact one doesn't "wish to remain in a silent world" be the very fact of getting one? That is what happens every time I disconnect my Implant-real quiet!
Interesting discussion to say the least. Smile Bill sksk (TTY stop keying)

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
No sure what about the self defined person that uses a Hearing aid in the lexicon of "deaf" while claiming to be "cultural deaf"?

A good part of our Deaf cultural community in Toronto, and in Canada, wears hearing aids. To be cultural Deaf doesn't mean to hear nothing. There are people who are audiologically hard of hearing who identify as Deaf because they use ASL to communicate and they are part of the culture.

Does the medical classification of not hearing at 105 decibels qualify?

Deaf culture has little to do with the audiology of it. The dB number isn't that important.

Does having an Cochlear Implant disqualify one to be "part of cultural deaf" even though the fact one doesn't "wish to remain in a silent world" be the very fact of getting one?

We have people with CI's in our community. The point is ASL. Culture is rooted in language.

Having said that. I don't feel I need a CI or want a CI, in part because I have my language and my culture. There is no void in my life and no barriers to what I want to do.
Sorry for the double post. Well Jenny B your post does seem clarify the word "deaf" has a self defined meaning-whatever the "deaf culture crowd" announces. This is ,of course, very different than my actual experience of "deafness"-silence. Just disconnect my Implant!
Every time I go swimming-almost daily! Use my VCO TTY.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
One can , of course, view any range of social activities within a "lens of some ideological understanding". Eg structuring all "viewings" within say "women studies/homophobia/blindness/"deafness"/Marxism/racism etc. Interesting game played out in sociology. Political correctness-run amok! Are you the "right segment". Gee Mr Orwell must be rolling in his grave at his "thoughts" on the loose these days.
Does "finger spelling" ,"contact signs","simultaneous communication"."total communication' "manually coded English(MCE)-signed English, Signing Exact English(See 2) and Seeing Essential English(See1).--seem to negate the proposition that ASL is "the language" of some of the "self-defined deaf" American/Canadians? The other minor problem- other "English speaking countries" systems: British Sign Language which is different than ASL-real? How about French Chinese et al systems?
Does bifurcating all persons into "blocks" called speaking/hearing vs Non hearing/speaking entities-"deaf?" give an accurate picture of society world wide? Who says studying Sociology is boring?

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
One can , of course, view any range of social activities within a "lens of some ideological understanding". Eg structuring all "viewings" within say "women studies/homophobia/blindness/"deafness"/Marxism/racism etc. Interesting game played out in sociology. Political correctness-run amok! Are you the "right segment". Gee Mr Orwell must be rolling in his grave at his "thoughts" on the loose these days.
Does "finger spelling" ,"contact signs","simultaneous communication"."total communication' "manually coded English(MCE)-signed English, Signing Exact English(See 2) and Seeing Essential English(See1).--seem to negate the proposition that ASL is "the language" of some of the "self-defined deaf" American/Canadians? The other minor problem- other "English speaking countries" systems: British Sign Language which is different than ASL-real? How about French Chinese et al systems?
Does bifurcating all persons into "blocks" called speaking/hearing vs Non hearing/speaking entities-"deaf?" give an accurate picture of society world wide? Who says studying Sociology is boring?

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

ASL is not SEE. I don't sign SEE. ASL is not a sign system It is a language. What do you think the L stands for?

BSL is a language.

In France they speak French. That isn't English. It is a different language than what you speak. Does that mean French is real?

You are just full of logical fallacy.

What is a language? Please give me your definition. I am a linguist. This is really not an argument you want to have with me.
This just like is me, I can communicate in English or BSL or both at same time which is called SSE, drphil, I was born profoundly deaf and all my life I had hearing aids, got by just about. Although, I now have Cochlear implant (if you must know, drphil, SOECIC, right ear implanted July/08, Activicated Aug/08 with Cochlear Nucleus Freedom (in shade of brown), I still use BSL with my deaf friends, and spoken lang with hearing friends yes I do get by with hearing friends so why won't you get by with deaf people and learn about their life/struggles/good things about being deaf/ acceptance of being deaf and learn their language.

But would you have described that shade of brown as "chestnut" or "dark brown"? I am sure DrPhil wants all details. :wave:
The shade of anyone's implant irrelevant to me.
The language of ASL seems to be visual gestural communication as it doesn't appear to be "spoken". My understanding from Elaine Costello's book- Signing-how to speak with your hands".Introduction page X Bantam Books, New York, 1983. My "old text book"> How linguistics fits into this-no idea?
Is fingerspelling a "language" also?

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07