Declaration of Occupy Wall Street

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Wirelessly posted (droid)

Calling college kids stupid is not only non-persuasive, it makes one look like a bitter old person. There is no reason to pit age groups against each other, and it's a sign of toxic leadership.
The point is that financial pros shouldn't be able to make obscene profits with fraudulent paper pushing schemes only to be bailed out by ordinary working people. It's like that Dilbert strip in which Catbert puts a bunch of diseased cattle in a group to sell them.

:lol: The students keep saying they want "their" bailout. Nobody seems to acknowledge the fact that the banks paid their bailout money most cases with interest. So the student got their bailout IMO when they got their school loans. But now they are complaining about having to pay off those loans.

Oh and nobody is calling all college kids stupid. Just the ones that think having to pay back your loans is unfair.
Who pays for all the expenses of these "occupy" movements? That is, who pays for the extra police hours, the massive clean up of debris, the lost business, overflowing toilets, vandalism, etc.?

Most likely the taxpayers, of course, the same ones who bailed out the billionaires of Wall Street while their own homes got foreclosed on them.
Well, that might not seem so, but 7%, which you willingly admit is possible, even probable, makes things quite difficult.

Imagine trying to find a job, any job, with creditors calling, your mortgage nearing default, and nobody willing to give you an interview. That is the reality many people wake up to daily. I understand your reasoning, but there are many thousands of highly educated people that are in the situation I just described; people with degrees and many years of experience in their field.

Since you are basking in the fruits of your labors, you do not have to look for work. It seems a bit incredulous to expect everyone to attempt to start a business when times are tough. Easy for you to say, but it reeks of smugness. Sorry.

Starting a business was one option. Working nights at Home Depot or Safeway while looking for a career during the day is an option too. one forced them to take out the loans.
Most likely the taxpayers, of course, the same ones who bailed out the billionaires of Wall Street while their own homes got foreclosed on them.

Yup as usually the Taxpayers will have to pay for this childish behavior. At least the billionaires paid us back....
Yup as usually the Taxpayers will have to pay for this childish behavior. At least the billionaires paid us back....

There are still debts outstanding but ok. The issue here is that until Wall Street change how they do banking, financial crises will happen again and the economy will stagger and the citizens will suffer yet again in so many different ways. Occupy Wall Street is generating attention to the fact that the bankers have not changed their ways, that more regulation, responsibility and accountability is needed and until this happens, another financial crisis is looming on the horizon and the earth will continued to be pillaged and sucked dry of resources and destroying others, the most essential being fresh water, that we need to grow crops. They're getting the buzz going, they're making people ask questions about why this whole protest is happening, they are spreading awareness and education. As long as people think the Fed means the government and not the Federal Reserve, they are woefully uneducated on how their country nearly collapsed because of Wall Street type-A greedy bankers who have the audacity to have so little faith in loans being repaid that they would bet against them for profit.

If more people take the time to understand how all those repeals of the Glass-Steagal Act led to the collapse of 2008, they wouldn't be fussing over the garbage the protesters left behind in Central Park.
There are still debts outstanding but ok. The issue here is that until Wall Street change how they do banking, financial crises will happen again and the economy will stagger and the citizens will suffer yet again in so many different ways. Occupy Wall Street is generating attention to the fact that the bankers have not changed their ways, that more regulation, responsibility and accountability is needed and until this happens, another financial crisis is looming on the horizon and the earth will continued to be pillaged and sucked dry of resources and destroying others, the most essential being fresh water, that we need to grow crops. They're getting the buzz going, they're making people ask questions about why this whole protest is happening, they are spreading awareness and education. As long as people think the Fed means the government and not the Federal Reserve, they are woefully uneducated on how their country nearly collapsed because of Wall Street type-A greedy bankers who have the audacity to have so little faith in loans being repaid that they would bet against them for profit.

If more people take the time to understand how all those repeals of the Glass-Steagal Act led to the collapse of 2008, they wouldn't be fussing over the garbage the protesters left behind in Central Park.

No - you are misguided in your efforts. It was the failed stimulus package and fruitless bailouts the current commander in chief handed out that caused this financial mess. not wall street - if you do not believe me, just ask VP Biden.

At leat the Tea party doesn't promote anarchy.
No - you are misguided in your efforts. It was the failed stimulus package and fruitless bailouts the current commander in chief handed out that caused this financial mess. not wall street - if you do not believe me, just ask VP Biden.

uh...ok. Whatever you believe.
TXGolfer, the banks have not paid back the money. I don't know where you're getting that. If you've got some evidence of that, I'd love to see it. Your smug attitude only lessens your credibility.

As I mentioned earlier, the bailout money also went to foreign banks and American corporations. Hardly within the purview of the Federal Reserve.
I believe facts - and no, the facts do not come to me after drinking the bong water. I do not smoke pot:

Joe Biden | Obama Economy | George W. Bush | The Daily Caller

Nobody drinks the bong water, it's foul and stinks like hell.

Let's see the rest of the article: "Even though fifty-some percent of the American people think that the economy tanked because of the last administration, that’s not relevant,” Biden stressed. “What’s relevant is we’re in charge. And right now we are the ones in charge and it’s gotten better, but it hasn’t gotten good enough.”

It's clear he's saying blame is not the answer, what's relevant is current government dealing with the economy as it is today and the citizens have the right to hold the current government accountable for dealing with that. In no way did he say Obama was responsible for the financial mess and in fact, he said the economy has gotten better.

I would love for you to post any links of Biden saying Obama's bailouts is responsible for the current financial mess.
No - you are misguided in your efforts. It was the failed stimulus package and fruitless bailouts the current commander in chief handed out that caused this financial mess. not wall street - if you do not believe me, just ask VP Biden.

At leat the Tea party doesn't promote anarchy.

Occupy Wall Street is not promoting anarchy. They are demanding change in laws and practices, not total absence of government and laws.
I remember the bank bailouts. Banks should not get rewarded for making high-risk loans.
Here's info on the bail out and the money paid back:

Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

Even if all of the banks pay back the money, the difference between the amount of money banks received and the actual value of the derivatives taken by the Fed is a loss. You have to account for that loss. Interestingly, if you or I received debt foregiveness in this way, we would have imputed income on which we would have to paid taxes.

The banks are paying back money with devalued dollars. So kind of the government to crank up the presses to shore up the finanical statements. Have you seen the shrinking packages at the grocery store? Clearly illustrates how much less our dollars can buy.
TXGolfer, the banks have not paid back the money. I don't know where you're getting that. If you've got some evidence of that, I'd love to see it. Your smug attitude only lessens your credibility.

As I mentioned earlier, the bailout money also went to foreign banks and American corporations. Hardly within the purview of the Federal Reserve.

Banks Have Repaid 75% of Bailout, Geithner Says

Obama's guy begs to differ And this was in June 2010

Mary F. Calvert for The New York Times
Timothy F. Geithner, the Treasury secretary, testified on Tuesday about the bailout.

Mr. Geithner told a watchdog panel that banks had repaid about 75 percent of the bailout money they received, and the government’s investments in those banks had brought taxpayers $21 billion.

Geithner Says Bailout Money Is Being Repaid -
Protest = a large group that is trying to make changes you believe in.
Anarchy = a large group trying to make changes you don't believe in.
Here's info on the bail out and the money paid back:

Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

Even if all of the banks pay back the money, the difference between the amount of money banks received and the actual value of the derivatives taken by the Fed is a loss. You have to account for that loss. Interestingly, if you or I received debt foregiveness in this way, we would have imputed income on which we would have to paid taxes.

The banks are paying back money with devalued dollars. So kind of the government to crank up the presses to shore up the finanical statements. Have you seen the shrinking packages at the grocery store? Clearly illustrates how much less our dollars can buy.

That happens...sometimes it favors the consumer. Should someone with a fixed rate mortgage have to pay extra if they make their house payments with devalued dollars.

Sorry, I have alot of respect for you but that argument is a little kooky

Well, I was told that Oregon protesters are peaceful and the Oregonian polices are the ones to be blamed. Of course, they told me to do not listen to anybody because it is all lies to them... I won't surprise if they read that article you just provided and they would decide that it is just an another lie. Well, at the least, there are more peaceful people outside there.
Chris Hedges, author/activist/Pulitzer Prizer winner discusses Occupy Wall Street: Creekside: Chris Hedges smacks down Kevin O'Leary

"Hedges : I would say that those who are protesting the rise of the corporate state are in fact on the political spectrum the true conservatives because they're calling for the restoration of the rule of law."
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